2014 breeding season begins, post your results

The temps seem to drop to 90 and at first i thought it was because the hens were off the nest but the 3 hens had already had their break so i put the reader under there after they were done.
this is going to be interesting i think.

Just remember you are measuring air temp, air temp fluctuates very fast and very easy, the highs and lows in the air temp swing you are measuring are not really reflective of the eggs internal temp... Also if that thermometer is like mine it only has a few small vents in the back that allow airflow for it to measure, so placement can easily effect readings as well, face down or face up effects can effect the measurement...

I'm not suggesting that taking the readings are a waste, but there is more to it then that thermometer is showing...
Thanks for the info Meepeep

Kat the gray one was inbetween the 3 broodies and the maroon one was layed under the hen face up.
All the hens are on fresh shavings, the gray one was dirty cause i had it in the brooder checking temps by the light and they knocked it over and had their way with it
so on my way to put it on the porch i put it under the broody and forgot about it till a couple days went by .and was suprised by the temps,so i decided to compair temps.

Kat are you using one of them there eggy things ? you know one of those readers that gives core temps looks like an egg filled with something like an egg would be, never had one but always thought they were pretty cool.
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