2014 breeding season begins, post your results

@DylansMom , how's little Forest doing?


I just got home this afternoon and he/she is doing fine. Survived 4 days with the pet sitter, so that is pretty promising. Not growing like the others though, as soon as I can, I will get some pics so you can see the difference. How are you doing? Been away 4 days but it feels a lot longer, anything I need to catch up on?
Highlight of the weekend was this big fella, probably a 400 pounder about 10 ft. from the cabin's door!

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I just got home this afternoon and he/she is doing fine. Survived 4 days with the pet sitter, so that is pretty promising. Not growing like the others though, as soon as I can, I will get some pics so you can see the difference. How are you doing? Been away 4 days but it feels a lot longer, anything I need to catch up on?
Highlight of the weekend was this big fella, probably a 400 pounder about 10 ft. from the cabin's door!

glad the baby is hanging in there
I just got home this afternoon and he/she is doing fine. Survived 4 days with the pet sitter, so that is pretty promising. Not growing like the others though, as soon as I can, I will get some pics so you can see the difference. How are you doing? Been away 4 days but it feels a lot longer, anything I need to catch up on?
Highlight of the weekend was this big fella, probably a 400 pounder about 10 ft. from the cabin's door!

C'mon Forest! You can do it!!

Boy, what a visitor!
Here's our IBBS girl at almost exactly the same age as the ones in your photo:

Are yours 100% BS?
If so, than judging by our girl - which, I confess, is my only experience with BS - it looks like you may have 3 boys?
(I'm only basing this on the fact that yours seem darker than our girl, which may be meaningless!)
Agreed, our two bs girls never got that dark. its completely meaningfull :) that's how you tell with the bs :)
What color genetics do you think this yearling peacock has?

He is from a farm that has 25-30 free range peafowl and they have no idea the genetics of them.

I'm no expert but we have a ibbs male and that's what he looked like at a year old - or younger, I'd post pict but my computer is not letting me upload... :) very pretty boy!!!

ok got one to work, here's a purple bs hen at 14 weeks - this is rose two years ago.

Heres a good pict of her back about 9 weeks old. Sorry they're not in order of age, im fighting with my computer...

6 months old.

1 year 3 months - ibbs male and female in background same age.

and at two years :)
Disclaimer: I don't know how to sex peachicks, lol, but thought I might have some fun, so
based on a combo of color, weight and behavior, I'm gonna guess the sex on these four.

What are the odds on guessing the sex on four?

27 days old in these pictures




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