2014 breeding season begins, post your results

All the babies are so cute
I love the pieds when they are so tiny. I almost gave in and bought one this year but decided to wait another year or 2 before I get any more.

My breeding season is almost wrapped up. Had a very eventful one this time around. Almost killed 2 incubators full of eggs and I'm still way surprised they lived. I guess they are not super sensitive to being too cold. Not once but TWO times they were turned off for 8 hours and were ice cold and they still hatched right out. The first time I accidently flipped the switch while putting away laundry and the 2nd time my dog layed down and unplugged the surge protector thingy.

All but the most recent batch have all gone to their new homes and are doing great. I have 2 smaller batches hatching over the next week then I'm done.

I stopped collecting eggs a few weeks ago and had 5 of my girls sitting. We had a big rainstorm come in from a different direction than usual the other day though and 3 of their nests got flooded. We picked their eggs out of the water and stuck them in the incubator. Here is how the girls decided to deal with having their eggs collected.

Silly girls. No idea what they thought they were sitting on. They sat for 2 days before realizing there were no eggs. I felt so bad I almost put the eggs back. The ground was still really wet though. 2 of them always sit together but this is the first time all 3 sat together.

Momma Jane hatched her first chick for this year yesterday. She got off the nest and left 13 other eggs though. They were ice cold when I got home from work but I threw them in the incubator anyway. Of course it was on one of the few cold and rainy days we get a year. Now that everybody is done sitting I am going to move them all into their new pens. I am so excited. I'll put up some pictures of it after I finish painting the shelter. All of them will have almost triple the space after they get moved around.
You all remember my great egg hatching experimenthat I started 16 days ago?

No exploders yet and only 3 or 4 are growing. Not surprising, many of the eggs were *very* old and several sat out in a warm room.

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Humidity in the Janoel 48 is very difficult to manage. It was sitting right at 45% for several days, which is where I wanted it, but as soon as the humidity in the house went to 48%, it jumped to 55%. Humidity in the fancier RCOM is holding steady at 45%.

30 days old today!

PA1 - Orange: Plus ~20% from 3 days ago.

PA 6: Plus ~17% from 3 days ago

PA3: Plus ~19% from 3 days ago

PA1 - White: Plus ~15.5%

Today has been the most exciting hatch I have ever had. The eggs were from Rich Stein and I hatched high percentage spaldings, high percentage cameo, cameo/peach pied, peachs, peach silver pied, charcoal blackshoulder, charcoal silver pied, bronze white eye, and some other silver pieds that I do know what color they will be yet.
Today has been the most exciting hatch I have ever had. The eggs were from Rich Stein and I hatched high percentage spaldings, high percentage cameo, cameo/peach pied, peachs, peach silver pied, charcoal blackshoulder, charcoal silver pied, bronze white eye, and some other silver pieds that I do know what color they will be yet.
Congrats! Pictures soon, I hope?


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