2014 breeding season begins, post your results

Have two that were internally pipped and peeping, but looked stuck, so now they have air holes and are in the bator with the humidity as high as I can get it.

Here is the opal. And here is my pairs first chick! It is a big one and I'm worried it has spraddle legs so I made it a hobble just in case. It's already getting around better. :)
They're adorable!

This popped out of the incubator today. I have not seen one like this before, it is from a IBBS split to Cameo cock and most likely a Cameo hen, perhaps an IB hen. I do have some Cameo hens that are split to BS. It is much lighter than the Cameos I hatched out and it has a dark back. Want to make a guess as to what it may be?

While I am waiting for any guesses on what that chick may be, I am seeing some color in my dark Pied that I have questions about. Between the brown and white is a cream color, also seen on an IB as well. Does this occur a lot? and does it have a term?

The color in the above birds looks a lot like the color on the Cameo Pied below. I had been told that IBs thrown by mixed mating should look completely IB in color but it looks like I am getting some mixed colors.

This popped out of the incubator today. I have not seen one like this before, it is from a IBBS split to Cameo cock and most likely a Cameo hen, perhaps an IB hen. I do have some Cameo hens that are split to BS. It is much lighter than the Cameos I hatched out and it has a dark back. Want to make a guess as to what it may be?

I would guess Cameo Pied, could you have some hidden Pied genes floating around in the pool ?
My pied chick is failing to thrive. It's bottom has been swollen from day one. I thought it was just from the yolk absorbing, but it hasn't gone down. It's like a pot belly but in it's hind end. And it doesn't want to stand, eat or drink. I don't know what to do! :(

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