2014 Crochet square swap, colorful circles.

Two more and I'm done. I get paid thursday so will mail them then. Well I just have the outer two round of two left and ends to hide and then I'm done. Note the date.

Well must press on.
I just found out about this! I'm so sad too, bcz I would have participated.

Will we be starting another when this one ends? I really am sorry it took me so long. DW will be starting radiation in a couple of weeks we hope. I'm not sure how long each session takes but I'll have plenty of time to sit and crochet.

I've been donating squares at church for those that are sick. We use 12" squares. Knit or crochet.

Did I share what I did with some squares I bought from Speckledhen?

Squares are done. I have some ends to tuck in and will pack them up and mail them out either today or tomorrow, but I have to go to the PO today so probably today.
Anyone interested in hosting a 2015 swap? If not I will host with some help in setting it up.

My idea is a 12" Squares of any design or colors with the last round in Super saver Black. Also a double lot. Ex. 12 participants = 24 squares. You could do 4 - 6" squares to = 12"s. or 9 - 3" squares to = 12". Though they would have to be sewn together to = 12". Bright colors might be nice since we'll finish come spring time.
But any colors will do. Long as you only have to purchase the yarn for the final round. I don't want folks having to purchase special yarn. If you don't have enough just ad on CL for leftover yarns for free. You should get some taker 'er givers.

Now if you've squares from a previous swap it might be a good time to add you own special touches and use those. If of course no one who has participated before doesn't mind. I know I don't. Long as you don't use 12" squares from a previous swap unless it's your own. I have some 6" squares and some I bought from speckled hen just sitting around.

I'm not one for wasting things.

Please remember not to use any wool yarns. DW got a blanket from the church ladies and one square had the last few rows in a different color but in Wool and it shrunk.

I am of course open to any other suggestions.

Remember beginners if all you know is a single or double crochet I'll be more than happy to take your simple squares if they're not to bad.

I realize I have some nerve seeing as I held everyone up this last time. I really am sorry. We've just had a run of bad health last year. DW still has radiation to go through but we're hoping it won't be so hard on her.

Hope all is well with everyone. I know some folks are into hatching right now but perhaps in a down time you can make some squares.

Love ya,

I would not participate in a swap right now, just because I have lots of other projects in working on for fun.
However, I would sponsor a SQUARE DONATION where each person makes 1-3 squares for a blanket which they will send to me. I will finish it off and see everything together and take it to a shelter, hospital, or someone else who could use some handmade love. This could be an awesome swap for beginners or For those without time to make 24 squares.
If enough are interested (four people minimum) I will host it and create a thread. Let me know! :)
PS I love this thread and all you creative folk!
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I would not participate in a swap right now, just because I have lots of other projects in working on for fun.
However, I would sponsor a SQUARE DONATION where each person makes 1-3 squares for a blanket which they will send to me. I will finish it off and see everything together and take it to a shelter, hospital, or someone else who could use some handmade love. This could be an awesome swap for beginners or For those without time to make 24 squares.
If enough are interested (four people minimum) I will host it and create a thread. Let me know! :)
PS I love this thread and all you creative folk!

I would love to participate in this. Sign me up!
I got Rancher's blocks today! wooo hooo I'll get things sorted and sent out before Wend.


Are those the 3 that need my pay pal info?

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