2015 HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long, Join us IF YOU DARE!

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Puppy and Kitten are doing well. My kids are learning to care for them. There is one Brabanter egg clicking and wiggling. Please let it hatch AND be a pullet. Due tomorrow at noon.

I have to admit that the contests are intimidating. There are already great entries. We'll be face painting tomorrow for trick or treating and maybe Saturday for a party. Our pumpkin carvings were unsuccessful and the recipes I usually would use have already been entered so I have to think of a way to step it up a notch (insert gif of Emeril).
well this little guy is taking his sweet time. Not even a pip yet. I upped humidity because it seemed a little dry. Since I upped it the egg has been wiggling and chirping a lot. Hatch little bugger!
Congrats on the pips, chirping sounds, and hatches! I have some going into lock down come Sat. I think I will go ahead and put them in my other bator tonight down on their sides from the turner. Then, will candle and see how things are looking. The air cells looked better than before when I took a few out last week..was thinking thinking they weren't big enough, but they are better.

Here are a few photos of the little cuties I just hatched.

Oh wow cool!
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