2015 HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long, Join us IF YOU DARE!

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I typically have 3-4 thermometers in there and at least 2 hygrometers. But I was starting to get used to all the thermometers being withing .2 degrees of each other when there was forced air. So when my fan came in (specifically for my incubator, not jerry-rigged), I didn't think I'd need multiple... silly me, right?
Lesson learned.

That seems to be the case haha, the motto should be, never trust a thermometer.
Hey all sorry I wasn't on last night spent all day yesterday miserable with a kidney infection and was in the emergency room last night until 3:30 am. Unfortunately I missed out on doing most of the other contests because of it but I'm just grateful that I'm going to feel better.

Everyone congrats on all the new chickie poos! So happy for everyone that got good numbers and I feel for everyone that didn't my last 24 eggs were a flat out flop in September (I think it was) so I understand. Good luck all those still hatching!!!

I had one of those in February, no fun at all. :-( Hope you are better soon!
@Sally Sunshine Whew! I almost forgot about the time difference, sent in my photo and then forgot to send it. Duh!! But here I am 12 minutes before contest close. So we have 17 Cortinix quail peeps right now. Part are brown and the little yellow ones will be white. These are my first white ones I've bred so I'm thrilled to get some. Keeping my gingers crossed for more by tomorrow morning. Good night to all:)
Thank you. I'm glad I went. I thought I had kicked it but then it came back with a vengeance. Silly me. Anyway I spent three annoying hours trying to get my prescriptions this morning as the pharmacy didn't open as early as I thought it did and then to top it off I forgot money for my co-pay and had to run all the way back home then back to the pharmacy. But the rest of the day was better. The silkies got time out today since it wasn't pouring and was really warm and I just love watching my little Ginger run up and squat for me. My first proof of her sex!!(which was debated for a long time.)

If I've shared pictures I apologize but I must brag and since I didn't hatch this time around here she is...


I think she would follow me to the ends of the Earth. Such a puppy. All our flock is pretty social, well most, and many extremely so but just seeing Ginger and the other silkies bounce and hop to me makes me smile so much. And of course their hatch mates Crocket and Beatrice



The last photo is the silkie flock(aka my first hatch- the large flock is okay with them but they really haven't integrated much) we call them our littles but technically we have littles and what we call things besides the silkie flock BC we have two black oegb that I hatched separately but idk if we'll keep them. I'd like to but I'm worried and unfortunately Crocket hates the little roo, Mickey. We also have 6 black Orpington(50% English)(3 pure, 2 orp/ccl, 1 orp/mutt-that lays pink eggs) that are five weeks old today and ready to come out of quarantine!
Yay! Okay sorry for blabbing so much I just love bragging about all my babies! We also have five cats and 3 dogs(counting my mother's)
@sallysunshine Thank you so much for setting up this hatch along. This is the most educational and supportive experience I've had with hatching. I'm happy for everyone who has chicks, sad for everyone with poor hatches, and hopeful that we continue to cross paths on BYC.

awwwwwww your so sweet!!! I am so glad to have you with us too!!!

The talent is my lovely friend/mother-in-law, the eggs I'm hatching are from my flock but they're her chicks once they hatch. So we entered together, I came up with the ideas and she executed them, thought I did work on the monster cracked one. Once my youngest is in kindergarten she is supposed to start teaching me so I can help her in her shop. I'm excited for that.
Thats so cool!!!! great team!!!

Oh and I didn't have any pets when people were sharing earlier, I still kinda don't, but I do have some fosters now. I'll have these three little dolls for 2 weeks.

I am not a cat person but I just fell absolutely in love with that middle cat!!!!

Trick and Treat our Halloween babies.
AWESOME!!! fluffers up babies!!!! they are gonna be so cute!!!!! Congrats!!

I learned a valuable lesson this hatch: my incubator is 5 degrees off. I tested it before and it was closer, but this hatch, I re checked and was disappointed. I got 2 out of 30 Quail eggs to hatch (1 of which was 3 days past the hatch date). All the eggs are still in there (I incubate up to 24 hours after the last one hatches... And the last one hatched early this morning)
oh crap, this is a bummer, this is why I have four in the bator when I start and then I keep three in it for the duration, everyone used to say I was nuts!!! you just never know when they go phsyco or how they will respond to a low battery :( or even how they respond after long humidity durations :(

I just dont trust them worth a snootin shootin booger I tell ya!

Hey all sorry I wasn't on last night spent all day yesterday miserable with a kidney infection and was in the emergency room last night until 3:30 am. Unfortunately I missed out on doing most of the other contests because of it but I'm just grateful that I'm going to feel better.

Everyone congrats on all the new chickie poos! So happy for everyone that got good numbers and I feel for everyone that didn't my last 24 eggs were a flat out flop in September (I think it was) so I understand. Good luck all those still hatching!!!
your kidding me!!! I feel your pain, that sucked! awwww I have CKD III on top of all the other crap and been there many times, I am sorry, I am glad you are feeling better now
make sure you make the changes they said ok? not something to mess with , not at all!!!
I am still so sad about those 24 floppers for you :( you know where we are in the new thread we are always here to help right!

@Sally Sunshine Whew! I almost forgot about the time difference, sent in my photo and then forgot to send it. Duh!! But here I am 12 minutes before contest close. So we have 17 Cortinix quail peeps right now. Part are brown and the little yellow ones will be white. These are my first white ones I've bred so I'm thrilled to get some. Keeping my gingers crossed for more by tomorrow morning. Good night to all:)
awwwwwwwwww Look at the cuties!!!!!

First ones out!
YAY and look at the pips!!

Thank you. I'm glad I went. I thought I had kicked it but then it came back with a vengeance. Silly me. Anyway I spent three annoying hours trying to get my prescriptions this morning as the pharmacy didn't open as early as I thought it did and then to top it off I forgot money for my co-pay and had to run all the way back home then back to the pharmacy. But the rest of the day was better. The silkies got time out today since it wasn't pouring and was really warm and I just love watching my little Ginger run up and squat for me. My first proof of her sex!!(which was debated for a long time.)

If I've shared pictures I apologize but I must brag and since I didn't hatch this time around here she is...

I think she would follow me to the ends of the Earth. Such a puppy. All our flock is pretty social, well most, and many extremely so but just seeing Ginger and the other silkies bounce and hop to me makes me smile so much. And of course their hatch mates Crocket and Beatrice

The last photo is the silkie flock(aka my first hatch- the large flock is okay with them but they really haven't integrated much) we call them our littles but technically we have littles and what we call things besides the silkie flock BC we have two black oegb that I hatched separately but idk if we'll keep them. I'd like to but I'm worried and unfortunately Crocket hates the little roo, Mickey. We also have 6 black Orpington(50% English)(3 pure, 2 orp/ccl, 1 orp/mutt-that lays pink eggs) that are five weeks old today and ready to come out of quarantine!
Yay! Okay sorry for blabbing so much I just love bragging about all my babies! We also have five cats and 3 dogs(counting my mother's)

To those who are interested, it's day 13 for the shipped MPC eggs. 7/7 are still developing!
Love to hear this!!! Cant wait to see these chicks PC!
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