2015 HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long, Join us IF YOU DARE!

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pips!!! I could see five without my glasses!! luke wanted to sleep on the couch next to them last night, and this morning he told me he heard a chirp this morning and he said he heard a loud pop in the bator but nothing exploaded LOL.

I will take the five and run, they are all pure CCL!!! watch them all be pullets now!! my luck of late :/   I just sent that many hens to a friend!  

ok now to go read about doggies!!!  my true love!!!
Just a suggestion.............don't miss the forum for too many days.......wow catching up is a challenge. I want to post a reply to all but can't keep up! :)
I have rough collies, you'd think they would be a lot better with herd and flock animals but you'd be surprised XD
OKAY. Monday I completely deep-cleaned the coop (even scrubbed and sprayed soap and water to get all the dirt and stains out) and sprayed mite killer, Wednesday I rebuilt the roosts and sprayed mite killer again, and today I dusted and washed the coop liner then sprayed mite killer and replaced the liner and the bedding.
[COLOR=141823]Between the yearly molt, mite problems, a really crummy prefab coop, and the weather I haven't gotten any eggs in close to two months. Molt is nearly over so this better work or i'm going to need to build a new coop before the winter instead of in Spring/Summer like I'd planned.
That's a lot of work. I hope the mites are gone now. I love the looks and stories about rough collies. We have one boxer left and she is amazing. I've said that I will take a break from indoor pets after she dies though. We have two barn cats, Barney and Scratchy. They don't bother the chickens but if I put out kitchen scraps they share. We have so much to do around here... I'm getting anxious. The two shipped eggs are due to hatch tomorrow. Lockdown for the two Brabanters is tomorrow. I've played videos of chicks talking to see if the eggs respond. Slight wiggles. I can hardly wait. Congrats to everyone on their hatchlings. @Storminthenight :did any of yours hatch?
I have rough collies, you'd think they would be a lot better with herd and flock animals but you'd be surprised XD

OKAY. Monday I completely deep-cleaned the coop (even scrubbed and sprayed soap and water to get all the dirt and stains out) and sprayed mite killer, Wednesday I rebuilt the roosts and sprayed mite killer again, and today I dusted and washed the coop liner then sprayed mite killer and replaced the liner and the bedding.
Between the yearly molt, mite problems, a really crummy prefab coop, and the weather I haven't gotten any eggs in close to two months. Molt is nearly over so this better work or i'm going to need to build a new coop before the winter instead of in Spring/Summer like I'd planned.

I feel for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had tons of rain this Summer. I had mites on the chickens, they got on the dogs and in my carpet and on me!!! UHG!!!!! I sprayed nests after cleaning before I put any straw back in, cleaned everything and the only thing that finally got rid of them was using tons of Sevin Dust on everything from nests, coops, under the trees where they dust, on them and yes, my carpet and pets too! What a chore that was and took two weeks.
My dog would say "yum, chicken flavored Peeps!". He looks like a small (55 lb) lab mix, but is pure prey drive even at 9 years old.

I've been very fortunate! 3 dogs and all like the chickens.............my Boxer had one episode where she thought playing with a hen was fun but I caught her just as she was about to pick her up lol
Thank you :) The Silkies not liking dry...........looks like that's what happened....they were dry........maybe due to being so tiny???

That poop catcher will fit perfectly on our roost and I have a tarp! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
oh great! remember to let me know how it works!!

I Heard you can use Bacitracin to moisten the membrane if you need to keep a dry one wet. They only sell it with zinc and I have not tried this........has anyone tried this and does the zinc harm the chick?

Not sure to be honest and I dont have any on hand to check the label. can anyone else check theirs please? you dont want pain reliever in the neosporin stuff, I am not sure that zinc would be harmful maybe someone else would know more about zinc. I am not doing very well thinking this morning sorry having some foggy brains for a few days, I cant wait for hubs to come home soon, something isnt quite right with me this week but I didnt want to ruin his hunting trip. I didnt burn the house down yet, although I did have a good backdraft on the coal stove when I tried to light it for the first time in my life last night, now the kid is on her nebulizer cause of me.... see how dumb I am. All because I forgot to hold a lit piece of paper up the stove to start the draft up... see its dumb stuff thats happening, and its adding up big time and it hurt my kiddo last night :( the entire house flooded with smoke fast. I know that was so much more than you need to know about bacitracin right? maybe I need zinc? I lack zinc in my brain?
obviously I lack people to talk to

Sharing these from my email Mom sent me:

oh cute!!!!!
Ok guys i have a question...its now day 22 1/2 and i have one chick that pipped for over 24 hrs and seemed to stop peeping so i began to help it and peeled the outer shell from over its head and zipped the rest of the way around. Its bottom and 60% of its body are still in the bottom of the egg. The veins have cleared. Its breathing steady but it still hasnt even like stretched its neck out from the position it was in before i removed the shell....could that be a "sticky" chick and if so would washing is in warm water (very carefully of course) help it get unstuck? Is there any hope for this chick or it is probably to weak to survive? Humidity is 65% and temp is 99.5....any advice is appreciated as this is my first hatch. Thanks!
That's a lot of work. I hope the mites are gone now.
I love the looks and stories about rough collies. We have one boxer left and she is amazing. I've said that I will take a break from indoor pets after she dies though. We have two barn cats, Barney and Scratchy. They don't bother the chickens but if I put out kitchen scraps they share. We have so much to do around here...

I'm getting anxious. The two shipped eggs are due to hatch tomorrow. Lockdown for the two Brabanters is tomorrow. I've played videos of chicks talking to see if the eggs respond. Slight wiggles. I can hardly wait.

Congrats to everyone on their hatchlings. @Storminthenight :did any of yours hatch?

I was also wondering how @storminthenight got on with the hatch. I will be doing my 14 day candle on Tuesday. I had 18 eggs shipped. When I did the 7 day candle there seemed to be alot of clears. She sent:
7 bcm
3 ccl
3 blrw
3 am
2 barnvelders
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