2015 Peafowl Hatching Support Group - Eggs and Chicks!

Crackle hen laid #6 last night and I will get a picture of it and post it, it again has that crackled look although not nearly as severe. The last 2 days I have given her potato bread cubes with liquid calcium supplement drops on it, multi-vites in the water, and hopefully will have yogurt tomorrow.

Crackle Egg # 1

Crackle Egg # 2

I would make a small garden in the pen and plant the kale etc. mine prefer to pick it themselves.

I was bummed yesterday when I bought some large nice Azaleas to plant and I no more than took them out of my truck and they were eating the flowers off of them faster than I could get them picked back up!! I literally had to run with one in each hand into the house because they would not stop!! Geez!

Yours ate up the azaleas? I have tried feeding mine some. My Grandma's yard has big azalea bushes all over the place so I decided to see if they would eat azalea flowers but mine prefer the camellia flowers instead.
No, I didn't believe it will hatch, just cracked her to check for fertility since it was her first egg this year and it was fertile.

Here is another image.

Would you say this was like my 2 eggs, not damaged, but formed this way? Because mine do not appear to have actual cracks, they look more like wrinkles on the second one.
Would you say this was like my 2 eggs, not damaged, but formed this way? Because mine do not appear to have actual cracks, they look more like wrinkles on the second one.

I think mine was different, when i candled mine the shell looked normal not wrinkle like yours, yours could develop i guess, but mine was missing a part of the egg, even it was going to hatch i think the chick will not look normal.
is there any trick to make peahen broody....?
and what are the signs that now peanhen is broody

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