2016 Gosling Hatch-a-long

My duck/chicken combo are in hatching mode again. So far, two ducklings are out with more on the way. The 10 day old chick is having a ball saying hello and helping clean them up. So cute to watch!
As of this morning, 6 ducklings have hatched out. Duck and Chicken mommas are taking excellent care of the babies and the chick is so happy to have buddies. Here is the first of the babies to hatch with the chick.

Very cool, Melanie. Keep us posted.
Only another 24-48 hours......

My muscovy and buff orphingon hen managed to hatch a total of 9 ducklings, plus the one chick. It is quite the comical site to see them all together. Will have to make the pen much larger to accommodate so many babies.

I also have five broody geese with varying chances of hatching babies and at least one more scovy who is sure to hatch babies ahead. It's a good thing scovy ducklings are super easy to sell!
2 females goslings have hatched so far and there are at least 3 more that have pipped externally. I will get pics when then they are done. After reading the stories about how slow geese are to hatch I was expecting them to be really pokey. I was off on the dates for the ducks - they should hatch Friday (day 30).
Congrats!! Hm... domestic ducks usually only take about 28 days whereas geese take 30. You may have ducklings today.
Well sadly #7 didn't make it. After 24 hrs I started to peel the shell and membrane back on the last 2 eggs which had pipped. The one never opened it eyes or peeped, but was breathing.At 10pm last night I realized it wasn't going to make it and focused on the remaining eggs. She was peeping and kicking. Stopped when I saw a spot of blood. Draped her in a damp paper towel. ANd rechecked at 2am. Repeat "surgury". Check at 630 am and Daysi is out and fluffing.

FInal count 6 (1boy, 5girls)

Bowl of goslings (just the 5 from yesterday)

Cotton Patch are auto sexing. Female on the left, Male on right.

Leg color - Male on left, female on right with lavender legs.

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