2017 Gosling Hatch a long!!

Sorry! I thought I had uploaded a picture. 8 babies, all arrived alive....2 appear to be struggling but we've got them dipping their beaks in electrolytes and they both ate a bit.

I'm not super hopeful; but would like to believe they're going to bounce back. Still not a bad run for 2-3 day old babies and overnight shipping.


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Sorry for all of the posts (and that they aren't goose related lol)

Both of my bad off babies seem completely fine now. I just came out to check on them and everyone is up eating and drinking and peeping.

So glad I took the time to sit out here and dip beaks.
Sorry for all of the posts (and that they aren't goose related lol)

Both of my bad off babies seem completely fine now. I just came out to check on them and everyone is up eating and drinking and peeping.

So glad I took the time to sit out here and dip beaks.
Oh I'm so pleased it's all ok and they are well.
Hopefully that run of bad luck is coming to an end! :ya
Everyone survived the night! I actually couldn't tell who had been weak yesterday! Hooray for electrolytes.

My goose eggs should be here today (not sure what time my post lady comes on saturdays)

Hopefully they are all safe.
Ugh. 3 leaking goose eggs and 3 fully scrambled.

I just texted the seller to file the claim. At least I had $150 insurance on these.

I'm done with this seller and goose eggs. Hopefully my pair is really a pair and they produce next year.
Do you all know anything about sebbie colors?

I tried to get some close ups of my scaredy-geese today.

Male is gonna be curly breasted :D
He has just a few colored feathers. Female has her whole rump colored.


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And also, does it look like a pair to you? I know there's no real way to tell yet but they act like a pair so idk.
I have no idea how you tell whether they are a pair or about sebbie colours but they are GORGEOUS looking geese!:love:love:love Now I want Sebbies too!! ha ha!

I'm so sorry about the eggs:hugs
It's probably best you do leave it now with that seller as I think you've tried enough for one year! Sorry it didn't work out :confused:

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