2018 hatch along

I will be putting 9 cuckoo marans in on Thursday evening. This will be my first time with a purchased incubator. I used a DIY incubator made from a terrarium before.
This is my first hatch. I just put 42 eggs in the incubator this morning. Purchased yesterday from two different local chicken farms.

Speckled Sussex
Blue laced red Wyandottes
Buff (not sure buff what)
And then some of my own eggs:
Black Australorp x EE or Frizzle EE roo
And one other hen with same Roos

I am using a LG still air incubator using dry hatch method. My room humidity without adding water is around 48%. (Central AL)

Due around March 9
I have set 6 EE eggs and some duck eggs. Testing fertility to see if the few males are doing their jobs. ;) Chickens would be due March 5th and Ducks March 12th.

Day 5 I candled I can see clear veining in one of the EE eggs and don't really see anything developing in the other eggs as yet. Hopefully a few more are fertile and develop so that I don't end up with one lonely chick in the brooder.

I really was hoping to find some Turkey or guinea eggs to set for the Easter hatchalong but I can't find any available in time. :(

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