2018 Hatchalong


Iain Utah

12 Years
Dec 17, 2011
It's only January 2nd, but season is already upon us here in Utah. I noticed my Africans doing their annual nesting location hunt recently, then found my first egg yesterday and another one this morning. I'm so not ready for breeding season, but figured I'd start up the 2018 hatching thread for those that are excited to start hatching goslings!
Yes, I have a younger buff dewlap trio that I plan to separate and set eggs from. I will probably use my grey dewlap eggs for broodies. My goal is to hatch at least 6 babies, as my dewlap group is getting older.

Hopefully I still have at least another month before setting up my bator, as they are usually the last of my breeds to start laying.
Giving this thread a bump, since it looks like other people are starting to get eggs and even hatch babies.

Nothing new on our farm. Still have my production breeds starting early, but my dewlaps are not in any rush to get going.... and those are the prize eggs I am waiting for.

Anyone else excited to fire up their bators?
I would love info on how your raising your Africans. I just got my first set and am excited for the possibility of goslings and raising these guys. Ours I am told are 8 months old. today she laid her first egg but imagine it was from stress as we just got them last night. She laid it in the middle of the yard. It is still very cold here. Upstate NY
Congrats on your new pair and your first egg! I would get them a kiddy pool if no natural water source. I would also give your goose up with a nest box with good bedding, in a quiet and safe area, away from human traffic. They really like their privacy when laying/setting. Also make sure to offer your goose oyster shell or cracked egg shells for calcium.
We just set our first ever clutch last Saturday from our dewlap toulouses and we found today that three are fertile! We are super excited! These pics were taken on on Thursday, 2/15.

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