2020 Fall Ducklings 🦆💖

OK, it would have been nice, so just a wonky bill.
Wonky? :lau
Wonky Duck! - That's a nice name for a duck! 😍
Let's see how that bill develops and if she is the only wonky! :gig

I'm often SO DONE with explaining and explaining..
I saw your message about asking me "but I am so sure it's a hookbill"

But they are just not. I do not make the rules. But a Dutch hookbill is endangered and it costs big bucks and a waiting list to get one.. I live in the Netherlands and even for me it is unobtainbale..where you live 6 months in quaratine..

Could it be that at one point a hookbill mated his DNA is there? Yeah. Sure. They do not care much about our made up breeds. But that does not mean it IS a hookbill by standards.

You just do not have one because it is some sort of contest and I would not want you to have one. Dumb human rules just made them not one.


Are they all droopey like this like famous cartoon dog character. Because apparently that is the rule. Extremely downwards bills.
Hey @Loopeend i know what a Dutch Hookbill looks like and that they are critically endangered and rarer than Unobtanium!
I was just wondering if the Runner girls may have some Hookbill blood in them, because some of them have their bills pointing slightly downwards. They are not looking like the other Indian Runners i have seen before…
Anyways, i received an e-mail from Metzer Farms today:
The ideal Runner has a bit of a sloped bill like the Hookbill but not as pronounced. There is no Hookbill blood in any of our ducks. The Hookbills barely reproduced themselves.
So Metzer claims that the »ideal« Runner Duck has a slightly downwards sloped bill. (???) Loopeend you know more about Runner Ducks than anybody else i know: Have you heard that before?! What is called "ideal" or 'standard" differs slightly between the Europe and the US, here that @@ with those extremely long legs has not become popular. (yet!)
This is one of the eleven Indian Runner ducklings and as of today they all look alike, so i cannot even tell which of the young ducks was that tired little duckling. And all Runners don't have names yet, only the two White Layer ducks have been named Fluffy and Flauschi because of their fluffy look.
Ciao @WannaBeHillBilly !

I was thinking about your Fall ducklings yesterday and whether you got your drake / lady duck split yet.....?

Finally found the thread it was all in but its grown a lot !
Ciao @WannaBeHillBilly !

I was thinking about your Fall ducklings yesterday and whether you got your drake / lady duck split yet.....?

Finally found the thread it was all in but its grown a lot !
All thirteen ducklings turned out to be ducks. No Drake!
So my total ratio in the flock is now 29 ducks to 11 drakes or 2.63 ducks per drake,
Not quite ideal, but if i take Limpy Drake out it is almost 3 ducks per drake.

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