24 Orpington Eggs in the bator -6 week update

Presently it minus one here in Illinois. Brrrrr. 24 mph winds.
Good luck MissPrissy. Aw, you don't need luck, haha
I just got online and saw this post.... wishing you a great hatch.....hand delivered so hoping for the best!!...I set 18 Lt. Brahmas one week ago..tonight I candled...16 growing well, 2 questionables but left those in til day 14....
Prissy good luck our weather is about the same here and I have chickens pilled 3 high in the chicken tractor to keep warm.

I have a split hatch. 1 doz in the bread box hand turning. 1 doz in the 1588 with an auto turner.

PC, no betting on my hatch! Since I have moved to this old cold house my hatch rates have been very poor. Either the PO mangles my eggs to the point they remain clear or they start and then somewhere along the way stop long before day 18.

These eggs were hand delivered and brought over the blue ridge mountains. I plan for nothing less than 24 out of 24!

Don't burst my bubble.

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