24 Orpington Eggs in the bator -6 week update

16 out of 24 can't be all bad. I would probably accept far less than that just for the experience. Don't know how much longer I can accept no having a bator.
What kind of orps are they? I almost hope you don't tell me "blue".
Here's wishing you a good hatch.
Not too shabby, Priss!
They are Blue/Black/Splash.....

This is one reason I haven't started selling eggs just yet...testing the waters and the pullets just started laying the end of Dec....I do have acouple older hens so hoping you will have a decent hatch...
I candled last night.

14 eggs showing good movement.

I moved them out of the turner and the temp is boosted to 70% this morning.

This will be a very long weekend!

Come on, little chickies! Do your thing!


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