6 week old chicks to the coop


In the Brooder
Apr 23, 2024
Hoping to get some feedback as it is my first time with chicks. I have our ten 6 week chicks out in their coop for the first night tonight. They have been out for the day for about a week now and sleep inside. They are officially too big for brooder. It’s about 50 degrees at night and I feel bad so I put the eco glow out in their coop just in case. Is this a bad idea?
You really shouldn’t have it. I have had my chicks out full time since 5 weeks old and it has gotten into the low 40s. There is no reason to feel bad. They are going to be almost fully feathered at 6 weeks and unless it gets into the low 30s I wouldn’t even think about giving them a heat source. It is more risk than it is worth to me
Hoping to get some feedback as it is my first time with chicks. I have our ten 6 week chicks out in their coop for the first night tonight. They have been out for the day for about a week now and sleep inside. They are officially too big for brooder. It’s about 50 degrees at night and I feel bad so I put the eco glow out in their coop just in case. Is this a bad idea?
They should be plenty big and not need heat but eco glow is radient heat right? It is not suppose to burn or cause fires is that correct? If it's the safe warmth that won't burn them or set fire to your coop I think it should be ok. They usually snuggle up together if cold in a pile but if your heat is safe no harm on a cold night
Thank you so much! I have went and peeked though the window and they are all huddled in the shavings together but chirping a lot. Hopefully just because they aren’t as familiar with coop?

The ecoglow was the radiant heat plate and supposed to be safe but I am always a little nervous with any type of potential fire hazard.

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