25 week old chick suddenly crossing legs when walking


Oct 17, 2017
Hi, I am almost dreading asking this question as looked up marek's in great detail but thought it wouldn't hurt to see if anyone has any other suggestions advice.

My little poppy was just seemingly stuck down the side of a wood pile, head first. Nothing appeared to fall, its just like she walked in and got stuck. He first wondered if she was laying an egg as is about ready to start laying (our other 2 are). My husband picked her up but when he put her down she was walking like she was drunk. Her left foot crossed her right and her right crossed her left. We examined her but couldn't see anything so have put her alone in the coop for a bit.

They are fed chick feed and have just started laying pellets and have pasta, bread, sweetcorn regularly as treats. I am keeping their coop as clean as I can as they were sleeping in the nesting boxes but haven't actually disinfected when cleaning.

What about egg bound if it isn't early mareks, would that cause wobbliness in legs. She is small but nicely podgy and still has a good appetite. She is such a sweet girl, and tries to communicate more than the rest, just hoping nothing serious.
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im thinking a pulled muscle perhaps ??? Trying to get its self unstuck ...keep her resting for a while ..see if that helps ... in a confined space ( but well ventilated) to keep her off that leg ... either that or she may have a clot on the brain ??? Could be wrong on both accounts!
It's possible that b/c she was "stuck" she suffered some nerve impingement. Mareks is also a possibility. If it's a case of impingement, hopefully there's no permanent damage, and when the swelling goes down, she'll return to normal.
I agree that she may have injured herself, since you found her head down on the wood pile. Mareks can be a problem at that age, but so many other things that can be first ruled out with time and some rest. Leg bone deformities that worsen with age, such as varus-valgus deformity are possible, where legs can cross each other. Look her over in the morning for swelling of joints, bruising, or redness. Let her rest for the night, perhaps in a dog crate with food and water close.

As far as the hanging out in nest boxes, make sure your roosts are a little higher than nest boxes, so they will chose to roost rather than sleep in and soil the nests. If necessary, close them off at night and place the chickens on roosts at dark.

The feed should make up 90% of their diet, and I would avoid too many treats or bread, since bread can cause crop problems.
Thanks, treats are mainly pasta and corn (not as much bread) but I guess pasta has flour in it too.

She was very hungry this morning but still walking bow legged and pointing both feet inward (making her waddle). Her balance is off and she has to right herself all the time.

My sister in law told me to bath her feet in salt, as mites can cause walking problems so am going to try that and will try to work out how to best hold her and feel for an egg later though don't want to put her through that if not a problem!!! Does anyone know the best thing to spray around the coop? I only have bug killer for plants but have safer bug killer soap. I did see OSH do a mite spray?

Thanks again, she is such a cutie and a character, its hard to see her struggling. She is the only one that doesn't yet have any comb or wattle at 6 months, is this normal?
You can usually see evidence of body mites, and leg mites leave scales raised and ashy grey covered. I wouldn't treat unless I confirmed them. For leg mites applying vegetable, coconut, castor, or other oils to legs and rubbing it in under scales works. Castor oil or crisco are the least messy.Permethrin 5-10% spray or garden dust is good to use on chickens for body mites, and the spray is fine for the coop. You can buy the concentrate at TSC or many garden center/feed stores. A pint makes several gallons. Follow directions for spraying chickens or housing.

Valgus deformity in legs can result in a bowlegged appearance, and the feet may overlap. Here is some reading and you can click on each page for larger pictures:

With chickens there can always be one that is slower to develop. She may have something wrong with her. Hopefully, it isn't Mareks.

Here is some info on mites with pictures of what to look for:
Thanks all, so I checked all their feet and no mites (just pretty even, nicely formed scales) but I cleaned them anyway! I then checked the skin where the feathers grow on their rumps, necks, backs and under their wings but nothing found so thats good news. I got some electrolytes today and wormer to give them boost and she is happily playing tag with the others without too much overbalancing so will just keep an eye on her but appreciate all your help and suggestions
Thanks for the update. I'm glad she didn't have mites. Some type only comes on them at night, but you should have seen some dirt or droppings as evidence. You can also check her at night with a flashlight. Let us know how her legs get along.

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