2week old ducklings


Mar 3, 2017
S wales uk
I have 2 week old ducklings and today the smaller of the 2 has started to breath quite heavy and sounds wheezy also it has a small amount of mucus pop instead of normal. They both have access to fresh water deep enough to submerge their heads and a constant supply of duck crumb any advice would be great please.

I'm sorry to hear your duckling is having problems. The good folks over on the ER forum may be able to advise you:

You may also want to post on the duck forum:

Best of luck to you and your little duck!
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join us here! Sorry to hear you have an under the weather duckling but I'm sure if you post in the duck section link that NFC left for you the keepers there will be able to help.

Good luck and I hope your duckling is well again soon :fl
Thanks all will go and look now also took the duckling to the vets about an hour ago and not looking good they are treating it for pneumonia poor little thing.
G’Day from down under katie246

Aaaw, I am sorry to hear your little duck has pneumonia and very much hope that it makes a full recovery

I also hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun. Unlike non chicken loving friends, family and colleagues, BYC’ers never tire of stories or pictures that feature our feathered and non feathered friends
Thanks for your welcome but unfortunately my little duckling put up a brave fight but just was not strong enough and passed away about an hour ago but I still have 1 baby left strong and healthy so just need to get a friend for him to keep it company.
Thanks for your welcome but unfortunately my little duckling put up a brave fight but just was not strong enough and passed away about an hour ago but I still have 1 baby left strong and healthy so just need to get a friend for him to keep it company.

Aaaw katie246 I am so sorry to hear this
Good luck with finding some company for your little one.
Well I have just had 4 ducklings hatch and still have more eggs to go so she will have lots of friends just got to wait for them to grow a bit bigger.

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