3 chickies to identify if we can please!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 23, 2014

Sorry! My husband mixed all the pictured up! Anyway, the dusty grey one I would like to know the breed. 7-8 weeks old bantam of some sort. Forgive the muddy foot feathers its been raining here like crazy. Also hoping shes a female. And for the other 2 chicks I picked them up today they were labeled as barred rock but they don't have spots. Any ideas? They don't look like my last barred rock at all. Thanks!
Those chicks look like silver lace wyandottes too me... I have 3 and that's exactly what mine looked like
No those are not Barred rock chicks. When my family first started out in chickens my mom always loved the barred rocks and almost always ordered some when we got chicks. When they're chicks they're all black with a white dipey. X3 And to me that bantam looks like some sort of Porcelain Mille Fleur. Which I may be completely wrong about.
Thank you for your responses! Well I will be happy with a couple of silver laced. I argued with the store for about a half hour they swore they were barred rocks. Glad to hear that I should have some b&w pullets at least. I also grabbed a couple of black astralorps and a couple of guinea. Now for my next question. Is porcelain is a color pattern I take it?

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