3 Day Old Chick Suddenly cannot stand up/balance issues/head turning.


May 17, 2024
We have 7 chicks that we got from McMurray and it is our first time, but we had done months of research before finally getting them, so not experienced, but somewhat educated, if that matters.

So other than a few with pasty butt yesterday, they all have been eating, drinking, running around, acting happy and what I'd consider normal. Our single black cochin chick was initially the same size as the others, relatively (white cochin, black australorp, 2 RIR's, Light Brahma, and buff cochin); however, 3 days in she does seem noticably smaller than the rest as they grow. That being said, up until this morning, she has been right there along with the rest of them. She is not getting picked on either. This morning, my teenage daughter who is unquestionably now mama hen noticed that the black cochin was starting to exhibit some concerning behavior. She seems to be having balance issues now suddenly. She not only has a hard time standing and walking (she stumbles, but can walk further if she leans against the side of the brooder as she is walking around). She even seems to be unable to lay in a balance fashion. She's sort of laying to one side and is cheeping more than the others as though she is distressed (seems logical in this regard). She also seems to be moving her head back and forth quickly when she does lift it. Now, as someone who has personally dealt with vertigo issues myself in my lifetime, to me it looks exactly like the poor thing's world is just spinning by the way she is acting.

I am not finding a ton of info on this in my hour or so of searching so wondering if anyone here may have some advice.

The setup, in case it is important:
Stock tank
pine shaving bedding
Red heat lamp (NOT 250W version, the 120W version). Adjustabled height, currently stays around 90-100 degrees on average. They seem to like this setup.
We did opt for vaccination at McMurray - Mareks and Coccidiosis
Feeding them Nature's Best Organic Starter (Non-Medicated)

EDIT: Forgot to add that we are giving them the magic water as well.

EDIT Again: OK, I am admittedly extremely baffled here. Last I saw the chick was about 3 hours ago. To me, she looked like she was very bad off and getting worse. I came upstairs to do some research while my daughter stayed down there with them. She has not left their side all day. I wrote this post. I went back downstairs to see how things were going and I feel like I was dreaming because this chick is now acting perfectly normal. I am kinda blown away honestly. She is still smaller than the rest and is a little bit stumbly/uncoordinated, but less like a problem and more like the other chicks were when they were all day-olds. But she is running around, taking her 1 minute power naps under the light, eating, my daughter said she is drinking, lifting her head up without teetering over. Only thing that was done was that when she seemed to be having issues unable to stand and seemingly distressed, my daughter would pick her up and place her on her lap for a few minutes. She said she has done this a few times over the past few hours and by God, it seems as though this may be actually working somehow! I pray that she makes it bc I feel like if she does this one is going to having the strongest bond with my daughter for sure.

Still interested in what folks thing the issue could be, in case it return.
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I agree. I'm dealing with this right now. This takes patience on your part but worth the effort. Get a multi poultry vitamin ( I use poultry cell) then get a liquid vitamin B2 (got mine off Amazon) also buy vitamin E caps(Amazon is cheapest) last buy Selinium tablet. Be very very careful with this as it can be toxic but must be used in extremely small amounts in order she absorbs the vitamin E properly. I barely shave a tiny dust of the selenium on the food, cut the vitamin E tab and squeeze out on top of food. Use the dropper for the B2 and poultry cell on the food as well. (This is how I do it). Then i mix water im and mix food with the vitamin on top all together. The bird will need to be feed and watered by hand as they can not do it themselves. Now I'm my experience it takes about a full four weeks at about the 4th week you will notice a huge difference in her. In my girls case she was stuck in vertical splits her feet were curled. At week four she begun to stand and walk on curled feet. Her legs came back together normally on her own. At the 5th week her toes uncured. And I'm continuing the vitamin still yet but she is walking and eating and drinking by herself now. For the first 3 weeks I had no improvement. But that 4th week she really pulled out of it. What I learned was curled toes and split legs is B2 defiency. Tremors halk walking, backward walking summer saults is a E Defiency. I really hope this helps .I know it's a lot but it's worth the effort. Also the chick needs to be separated from the flock for her own safety. Mine was trampled by her flock. Lucky I was close by or the would have killed her.

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