3 Dominiques, 2 roosters? need help with gender ID!


In the Brooder
Apr 1, 2019
Hi Folks, I have 3 Dominiques in my small flock, they are about 8 weeks old. 2 are developing the same, and I suspect they are roos. The one I think is a pullet is much smaller, has a nubby little tail, and her comb looks like my other 2 (Americauna & Buff Orpington) which I am quite sure are girls. The suspected boys are bigger, with much bigger tails. They like to roost high in the coop. All the birds seem to be asserting themselves so I haven't gotten a clear picture of who might be top bird. But the most telling thing to me is the difference in how their combs are developing. The possible rooster combs have alot more nubbly bits. Any insight greatly appreciated. Attached are 2 pics, I think the first is a male, please let me know what you think!

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