3 Hen's for sale 2.00 each. VERY friendly

Hangin Wit My Peeps

11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Birnamwood, Wisconsin
I have some sex link chicks for sale...they are 4 weeks old now and they are VERY nice birds and very friendly. I am making more room for my Blue Orps and some Polish that are hatching on July 7 so though I would offer up these three girls. I have a red, brown and black sex link (3 total) I was planning on keeping them but them my friend told me she was sending me some free eggs
If your interested they are pick up only and I live in Central WI (Wausau Area) Send me a PM if your interested. Thanks!
i already recieved 4 pullets from her and they are some of the nicest chicks i have ever had. Even the salmon favorelle who im told should be extremely skittish as a chick runs up to me to get her belly rubbed. the sex links i got from her are also VERY nice and they like to sit in my hand. so anyone looking for some pullets cant go wrong with these.
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I just went to get some chicks from Gordie in Marshfield on my birthday (the day of this post, the 19th!) but I may have some room for another friendly pet, have to talk to my husband. I'm in Wausau too.
wow, i think ive been reading BYC Forum too long... I thought that^ said something else! lol.

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