3 little ducklings


8 Years
Apr 7, 2011
I got two Pekins (I'm pretty sure) last Saturday, but wanted one Rouen as well and they didn't get those in until Wednesday so I picked one up yesterday. Once I got it home, I realized that it is quite a bit smaller than my Pekins (they grow way too fast!). I'm realizing that it was probably a mistake to even get them a few days apart. From what I can figure, they could be up to a week apart but not more. When I put the Rouen in with the Pekins they pecked at him a little but stopped after a few minutes. Now they just ignore him mostly, unless he manages to get in the waterer and then they will nip at his feet until he moves. I'm not worried that they'll really hurt him, but I am worried that they won't include him in their "flock." It's only been less than 24 hours since I introduced him, so do you think he will be accepted? At this point my options are to let them work it out, keep the Rouen alone, or get another 1-2 day old to keep with the Rouen. I really don't want 4 ducks, but I would if the Pekins won't accept the little Rouen. Thanks for any advice!
When I checked on them after work today, they were still pecking at the little Rouen's feet when he tried to get in the waterer. I did remove and hold the Rouen (Pebbles
) and of couse he peeped loudly the whole time, but I checked him over and he seemed fine. I thought it was a good sign that the two Pekins peeped loudly too when they heard Pebbles. I think I will just let them be. Anyone have thoughts on this? I am probably just being paranoid but I just don't want the little one to get hurt or left out.
I'm not sure what to tell you, but last year we had mallards, Peking and WH in the brooder together. All did fine together but they were also the same hatch day. I guess I would watch the birds and see. Pekings do grow much faster.

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