3 or 4 year old rooster is it wry neck?

I'm not sure if this will help becusse of the age difference but We had a chick born with wry and I was so worried and had no idea what to do. Someone suggested putting save a chick in water to give her the vitamins needed. and with in a few days she was fine. Moving around and neck is back to normal.

Get some poultry vitamins containing vitamin E, B1 thiamine, to put in the water. Give him some chopped egg, and try adding some water to his feed, then hold him to help him eat. Using a bowl and holding him in a towel may help. Selenium is also important in wry neck injuries, and can be found in egg, most meats, tuna, salmon, and nuts or seeds. Good luck, and hopefully he will recover from his injury.
Thanks. He is taking the vitamin D3 & E without any problems & will occasionally hold his head & neck correctly. I'll try to feed him some eggs & food, so far he has just had the vitamins & some water since I brought him in last night. I can also make some tuna salad & give him the tuna water! All I have on hand is chick probiotics, I'll have to pick up some save - a-chick & look for the B1 & thiamine. I just sold 4 extra roosters ( a cross with him & an EE hen) now I wish I still had 1 of them in case he doesn't make it.
Look like get head stuck someplace, then twist and pull neck to free himself. Wry neck as nutrition problem in adults very rare. Whole flock would show malnutrition. Rest and relaxation beat idea
I agree. I was thinking he broke his neck somehow, but stuck in a fence would do it too.

Look like get head stuck someplace, then twist and pull neck to free himself. Wry neck as nutrition problem in adults very rare. Whole flock would show malnutrition. Rest and relaxation beat idea
Do you think I need to make a neck brace for him? I read some posts that said they made neck braces out of bubble wrap & another out of foam. They also said they didn't leave them on all the time.
My hubby had wondered if a raccoon had grabbed hold of his head and twisted, I didn't think the rooster would have lived through a raccoon actually getting it's hands on him. Maybe I'm wrong.
Can try brace. This injury is go either way. Maybe heal, maybe neck substructures destroyed. Is possible raccon pull head thru fence. A shot of anti-inflamatory med give him best shot.
Make sure he's well hydrated... I have a silkie hen who's a bit special and can't figure out how to drink out of most waterers, and whenever she gets even a little dehydrated she flops just like that. It's probably not a normal problem to have, but it's worth a shot!
Make sure he's well hydrated... I have a silkie hen who's a bit special and can't figure out how to drink out of most waterers, and whenever she gets even a little dehydrated she flops just like that. It's probably not a normal problem to have, but it's worth a shot!
Thanks, I would be surprised if it was that simple, because they have a water bowl ( think plastic oil changing pan ) that is in the attached run that they can all get to plus 2 or 3 gallon tubs in the "free range" part of the yard. But, I'll keep it in mind.
Well, I'm not really seeing any improvement in his condition. In fact his overall appearance is getting worse. Nothing real noticeable, but his feathers are dingier looking and he lost a tail feather tonight. The smaller feathers are coming out also, but not tons, so it maybe normal. He is starting to smell but I'm not sure if I should give him a bath or not. I also feel like he is slowly starving. I am giving him the vitamins, egg yolk & water through an eye dropper. There is a dish of feed in with him, but I don't think he is being successful in his attempts to eat. I tried making a gruel out of his food & using the eye dropper, but like someone else had said ( on a post I read somewhere) it didn't work out very good. It is too thick for the eye dropper.

I did put 9 eggs (of his) in the incubator Saturday night, but since I want a rooster this time, I probably won't get one, LOL.

I think if he isn't better by Monday night, that will probably be his last night.
It can be dangerous and stressful to bathe a sick chicken, so I would not. You may want to consider getting a necropsy on him by the state vet if you cull him or he dies, since wry neck can be a symptom of Mareks disease and some other conditions. Sorry that he is not doing better. Here is a link for the state vets: http://www.usaha.org/Portals/6/StateAnimalHealthOfficials.pdf

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