3 week old chick sudden death, ?Crop related


May 2, 2021
Hi all, this afternoon I found one of my 3 week old chicks dead. I noticed last night she was acting a little “off”, wouldn’t lay down with the others and stood on her own sleeping. No fluffed feathers or obvious shortness of breath. Today when I picked her up I noticed her crop was full, and I was able to pinch it a little and seemed “moldable” and not stiff if that makes sense. I’m don’t have experience with crop issues, but could her death be due to this?

They do have TSC’s flake shavings for bedding, and the brooder is a few large boxes taped together. To protect the cardboard I had puppy pads underneath the shavings, and have noticed they dig up at the corners at times and noticed some tearing. I removed the torn pieces.

All the others are acting fine. They are currently on day 3 of 5 of a preventative dose of Corid (2.5ml/gallon). They also finished a regular 5 day dose of Corid for coccidiosis since I had an outbreak roughly 3 weeks ago.

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