dead chick

  1. Jcarnahan

    Chicks seem to choke to death

    We had a 3 week old jersey giant seemingly choke to death. He was struggling to breathe but no obvious reason. Acted like it was choking. This morning we lost a 2 week old turkey chick but this one had food in its mouth. It was fine then my daughter went out maybe an hour later and it was...
  2. H

    Help! Dead Chick with Gaping Vent!! **WARNING GRAPHIC PIC**

    Woke up to two of my 5 week old chicks dead with gaping vents. I am not sure what happened. They are 2 of 15 in a brooder on my porch since the weather is warming up and they aren't needing a heat lamp. They've been on the porch for a little over a week and it's been fine. They get feed and...
  3. Quacking ducks

    What killed my 6 week old chick?

    Hi, I went out this afternoon and could not find one of my hen’s chicks. she has for six week old chicks but this afternoon, one of them went missing. I tried looking for this afternoon, but it was so windy here, that I couldn’t hear if it was chirping at all, so I waited until this evening...
  4. C

    Help! Brinsea Ecoglow Safety 600 too hot?

    I bought the Brinsea Ecoglow Safety 600 chick brooder and it arrived yesterday. The heat plate is much hotter than expected. I can't hold my fingers against it for more than a couple of seconds. Touching the plate reminds me of walking barefoot on very hot sand -- you can hardly stand to walk on...
  5. R

    Eggs Not Hatching on Day 21, they are also Pitch Black

    I have 8 eggs that have not hatched and it is day 21. They’ve shown no signs of life, and it smells in there. I’ve hatched 7 chicks so far, one passed after hatching. I decided to check each egg to find the stinker, but none of them smell like they’re rotten. All that I’ve seen says that I’ll...
  6. Aprilxoxo

    Some insight in single chicks death

    About a week ago i hatch out some chicks. The last 2 to be born worried me, last couldnt stand and walk and was taken buy someone who is going to try to rehabilitate since it didnt seem to be injury. And the 2nd last bled a bit when she came out of shell. Her navel scabbed over and she was...
  7. M

    My hen’s only hatched chick died

    One of my hens hatched her first and only chick last week. She adored the little fluffball and had bonded super strongly with it. I asked on a Facebook group whether I should let her raise it, or separate it from her, my ducks, and other chickens. I was told to provide food, and otherwise, let...
  8. A

    Why did my chick die and how can I prevent it from happening again?

    I have chicks that are about 2,5 weeks old. They've all been very active and seeming healthy. Then when I went to check on them last night, I noticed one was looking lethargic, breathing quickly and when I held it up, I heard a clicking sound. Fearing it was something contagious I separated it...
  9. R

    3 week old chick sudden death, ?Crop related

    Hi all, this afternoon I found one of my 3 week old chicks dead. I noticed last night she was acting a little “off”, wouldn’t lay down with the others and stood on her own sleeping. No fluffed feathers or obvious shortness of breath. Today when I picked her up I noticed her crop was full, and I...
  10. Chick-mama

    Dead chick?

    Not sure if this has already been asked but I cant seem to find the answer, or maybe not searching correctly.. My hen just hatched 4 babies and 6 eggs still remained under her but still had a week (+/-) to go. She sat on them a day or two after the four hatched but yesterday I went in and the...
  11. cluelesschickmother

    Malnourished chicks!! One DEAD, help!

    I am new to BYC and dont know if my last post was in the right place, sorry if you are seeing this twice. I will preface by saying that I am really screwed up... I start with the story of what happened and end with my plead for help. We purchased two three week old splash silkie chicks to...
  12. Justagoose_18

    Chick dies after hatching

    This morning around 7am, I watched a chick hatch. It’s day 22 today, and I thought everything was ok as it was running around. Another chick was shrink wrapped and I was waiting for the pipped eggs to hatch before helping. The shrink wrapped chick is ok now, but the chick that hatched at 7 am...
  13. MissTracy

    Incubating Troubleshoot Help

    Hello fellow chicken people ❤️ I have had chickens and guineas of all different breeds for over a year now, and recently started trying to hatch some yard mix birds with a small 7 egg incubator. (Just chickens) My first hatch, 6 of 7 eggs were viable at 15 days before my incubator shorted out...
  14. KaleDaDuck

    It's day 30 with the duck eggs will they hatch?

    So.. it's been 30 days since i put those duck eggs in my incubator.. since i've been struggling to keep my temperature at 25.5 C i've tried to do a eggtopsy as i thought that all eggs are dead BUT! when i cracked it it started to move and i was so scared! so i put them back in the incubator...
  15. Ginmary

    Lost our first baby, wish I knew why

    We had a sad morning. Last night we got to the new house (last there Monday morn) and found that mom and Bitsy (hatched last Fri) were on the bottom level of the small indoor coop we have inside instead of up in the nest box area. I don't know how she made it down the ramp. So I moved the other...
  16. onyx2011

    8 week old suddenly died??

    Im really distressed to be honest. Ive never had a chick die on me, and I had no idea that a chick so old could suddenly die?! I need to know why she did though, so her three flockmates can be protected. Yesterday she was a bit sleepy, but i just chalked it up to plain old tired since all the...
  17. J

    Help!!! Baby chicks dying!

    Hello all. Well we have a super broady hen. Shes laying on several eggs. She likes to eat the baby chics once theyve pipped through and are half way out.. we dont have an incubator. Weve been checking the eggs every few hours. This morning we checked one was barely chipped and the baby insode...
  18. Rogue Chickens

    Two bantam 6 week old chicks dead after moving outside

    Updated below... Now, two of our bantams have died in first two days outside. (Original post) Heartbroken..:( last night was our 5 chicks' first night outside. This evening I came home to find our polish bantam dead in the run. The other 4 (3 BOs & 1 bantam brahma) all seem fine. It was just so...
  19. B

    Horrific Find...Is This Normal?!?

    Today while outside I noticed my Royal Palm hen running around with something odd in her turned out to be a dead chick! I was horrified and ran over to the nest to find the tom pecking away at a 2nd chick! I started yelling at him and immediately ran into the pen and took the chick...
  20. Irene's Dream Homestead

    Need help 2 chickens dead within a week

    We had one chicken die we thought possibly from dehydration. Now we don't think that is the problem we have a second chicken dead and are not sure what to do or why. The water appears to be clean they're getting enough food definitely not dehydration need help ASAP
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