3 Week Olds ROOSTING?!


7 Years
I made a little box for the inside of their brooder cage, and put a perch about 3 inches off the ground. Last night I placed them on the roost, and I swear THEY STAYED THEIR ALL NIGHT! I know this because there is LOTS of undisturbed poop in one spot right under the roost. lol How can that be? Are my chicks smarter than a 5th grader ALREADY?!

xoxo Annmarie
Well, they have a smart Chicken Mom.
We give our chicks a small block of wood their first week to strengthen their legs and the second week we give them a little roost. They take right to it. Congrats on your kids being in the accelerated class.
We have a V shaped chunk of firewood in our brooder and from the 2nd week they got up on it, to nap during the day and to roost at night. Good training because I really don't want a hen that wants to sleep in the nest box.
They will be 4 weeks Wednesday, amazing to watch the daily changes.
Oh, I see. Sounds like we all have chicks in the advance placement class. lol I am having so much fun with them. They are growing like weeds. Just took hubby out back last night to talk through the big "plan" for the coop. He is still in shock about chickens, but he is handling it as well as can be expected.

I am reading some other posts and lots are saying they can go out into a coop as early as 3 weeks old. Thank goodness. There is a BIG difference between a two week old and a three week old. It;s like all of a sudden they jump on the fast track. I can't imagine them in the garage too much longer.

Fun chatting about them with you all!

xoxo Annmarie
My chicks are 2.5-3 weeks old and starting to roost as well. Just gave them a bigger roosting perch yesterday, and most of them spent the night on it. :)
oh! I didn't know when they would transition. My little chicks are only a few days old, but love hopping up on the branches I've put in the brooder. They don't sleep the night there, but definitely have fun napping :)
I just gave my little 8 day olds a dowel to perch on today, they haven't quite made it up there yet, but they are trying!! It's only about 3 inches off the floor, so it shouldn't be too long..they just don't quite have the balance yet, although they mastered the paper towel roll!! They are so cute and funny to watch!
You better get to work on that coop. Our chickies started going out at 2-3 weeks old and started to spend the night out when they were almost 4 weeks old. I think my chickies feathered out faster because of all this florida sunshine.
Mine will be a week tomorrow and theyve been trying to roost all day haha...they leap but their aim just isnt good enough yet, its quite cute!

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