3 wk old chick suddenly struggling for air.

If you have a river near you get some sand from it to put in with them. (No salt water) is her crop squishy? Sounds like sour crop to me. Hears the treatment

Separate 24 hours no food only water with 1/4 teaspoon of acidified copper sulfate. (comes in powder form usually at feed store) in a gallon plastic waterer only. If you can't find that, use 2 Tablespoons of organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar in the plastic gallon waterer, changed daily.
Day two add only plain yogurt.
Day three add plain scrambled egg to the yogurt. Each day massage the crop, pushing toward the back of the crop, not upward.
Day four maybe some soupy oatmeal added to eggs & yogurt, but no grains.
Don't make throw up can kill them.
Hope this helps, best of luck.
My little  chick threw up on her own when I picked her up this morning.  Is this a new symptom? I'm getting so discouraged; not knowing the best way to help her.  She ate and drank great last night but seems to be pretty uncomfortable with her crop full again this morning. She did drink again this morning though, so at least she's still trying!

My local feed store doesn't have chick grit, only oyster shell.  Is the oyster shell o.k.? The clerk suggested that I just give the chick sand and small pebbles...that sounds good and all (what the chick would be doing naturally), but is the grit a better solution?  What about parakeet grit if I find it?  

Oyster shell doesn't work as grit and chicks don't need that much calcium.
I'm sorry everyone, but I am pretty confused, since what some say is a treatment, others say is a danger. I assume that my bird being a baby and not a grown bird has a lot to do with that? i.e. massage is good or it could , cause blockage in the wrong direction. Also, feed only moistened chick crumble v.s. feeding egg, yogurt, etc., grit or no grit, vinegar or not?

So, here are my new questions:

1.) Does my bird have sour crop? Her crop feels puffy and squishy. She is lethargic. She occasionally shakes her head now and again, mostly after eating or drinking, and then seems to swallow hard periodically, as if she's clearing her throat. As of this morning, she has vomited a clear-"milkyish" vomit that even seemed gooey (not super fluid). Please read my first post though, as this entire problem started with my bird appearing to choke. If she got a hold of something too large, would it cause sour crop or is there just blockage some how and the symptoms are similar?

2.) What is the CURE? I'm on day three of this dilemma and am worried my bird will die soon if I don't give her the right order of treatment. I've seen posts on Monistat and surgery...is my bird too young for either (she's three weeks old)? What does the ACV do; how does it help? Is it a waiting game that works itself out eventually, and with a little TLC?

3.) How does this happen in the first place? Can I prevent it from happening again? All my other babies are doing great and were under all the same conditions. They have a large coop and a large run (with a natural dirt and rock floor - we live in the desert) to play in. There is no grass available, but there is hay in the nest box where they sleep with mom. There are pine shavings in the coop and I put some cedar (juniper) branches (with leaves, but not berries) in the run for a little environment. They've had constant access to water and chick crumble. They did have access to scratch for a few days.

Right now I am feeding my chick water moistened chick crumble (she seems to like it better than the applesauce soaked). I couldn't get electrolyte gel here, but have it coming and will start this evening. I am adding sand from the yard to her food. She is in the house, in a cozy enclosure, and sleeping and peeping in her feather lined basket. I check on her frequently and encourage her to drink/eat. Meanwhile I'm doing research and saying little prayers.

I do appreciate everyones advice and concern! Please be patient with me as I try to get a better understanding and "weed' through all the info available. I've done some things wrong...like making my bird throw up (saw that suggestion multiple times in other posts), and don't want to do anything harmful going forward. Little Cherry is super sweet and I think will be a beautiful Barred Rock if I can get her well.
We don't really have a chicken vet here, but did find a vet that was willing to help. Per his prognosis, the reasons for such a young bird having this issue aren't very promising. He suggested though that the problem could be further down the line and said to try Metamucil. So, I was able to get a little into her; we'll see if it works. All other options via the vet were going to cost a great deal of money (like $300)! Still hopeful that she'll pull through! I'll post again if the Metamucil seems to work.
Since its squishy ( like a water balloon ) I feel its sour crop and would follow the directions above. Impacted crop feels hard. When it was trying to swallow was probably it trying to adjust its crop. Some are more prone to this then others, but doesn't mean it will get it again. I would keep a eye on her tho.
Pine shavings and hay could cause problem if its eating to much of it. I would not add the sand to her food, just put it in a separate dish or on the floor for her to eat as she chooses.
If you have a good vet that knows what their doing when it comes to chickens that's great.
Very sorry your dealing with his.
Is it possible that she may have a blockage in her crop? I had that problem with a young chick. I gave it warm water with some olive oil. And I massaged the heck out of that crop. I was gentle but I kept at it and after a couple of hours it was completely empty. I`m not saying that will work for you but it saved my chicks life. She was starving and dehydrated because of the blockage.
Question: If my bird has been consuming all liquids and/or soupy crumbles soaked in pedialyte, wouldn't her crop be a little squishy?

Great news, I think! My little baby's crop was mostly empty this morning, she had a big mostly normal poop, and she's eating a lot of pedialyte-soaked chick crumble! I'm so excited! Her little crop filled after eating of course but is still squishy (though seems a little more firm than yesterday), so I'm hoping that makes since with a mostly liquid diet. Any thoughts or experience with that?

p.s. The moist crumble was all she wanted; I offered her yogurt and turkey baby food first. I figured as long as she was eating it was great.?
Great news that she is better. As you can see there are many disagreements on treating sour crop. To give vinegar and yogurt or not, mushy foods or chick starter. That is why it is important to make up your own mind and do some research on this. I have never had a chick with this, but I have been reading about it so much. The reason some don't like yogurt for chicks is that they feel it has too much calcium, but I think you can give small amounts during this time. More people recommend the ACV than not. The best thing to use I think is Nystatin--if your vet will prescribe it. It is the treatment for thrush or fungal infections, but requires a prescription, unless you get it online as Medistatin from Amazon.com who has been out of it lately.
PLEASE HELP! MY BABY IS STILL SICK! My chick is down again and appearing to have what I would describe in a human as acid reflux...basically looks like she's trying to keep stuff down. Is it possible that she just has an immature or faulty digestive system? EATING SERIOUSLY MAKES HER WORSE; she was doing so great this morning before she ate, and her crop was empty, *SIGH*. Does the crop empty if the problem is sour crop? Also, she's shedding feather debris? Not full length feathers, but there is a lot of "dust" from various feather parts (sort of like dandruff?). Is that a natural process as they loose their baby fluff, or is this another symptom? I've tried to tie it to other diseases or parasites and don't see mention of it.

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