3 wk old easter egger has diarrha,HELP!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 1, 2010
I have 3, 3-4 week old stripey Easter eggers and 1 has had diarrha for 4 days and its not getting better. I keep them in a clean bin with the heat lamp,I change their water in the morning and at night,they have antibiotics in the water,they eat alot of chick starter. their bedding is the pine shavings, they have a perch too. I did notice 1 chick is chasing the other 2 around all the time, but i dont think that could cause it. I dont know what to do,this is my 1st time raising chicks.
Are you sure it's diahrrea? There are two kinds of normal poo for chickens. One is just your standard black with white around it, and the other is yucky--called cecal droppings. It looks runny, and it's sort of a rusty brown color, and it's a bit stinky.

They usually do both types of poo daily, and I have found that mine do the cecel droppings more often if they get excited.
I am also a first time mommy! One of my chick (2-3 weeks old) was also having diarrhea for 2 days but I think that's stopped now.

I don't really know what the cause was or what stopped the diarrhea. I am guessing maybe it's what he/she ate while free-ranging. Good luck!
Thanks Chickmom you actually answered a question that I had in my head. I have seen both types of poo from my birds and noticed that the "runny" ones only seem to happen when they are running around excited. I thought that it might be like horses which will have "wet" poo when they are excited or scared as well. I was keeping a close eye on them to make sure that my guess was wrong and now I am glad to know I had a good guess since they were acting just fine otherwise.
It is not just baby chicks who have the cecal poo...the big girls do, too, and it is stinky and they always seemed to get it on the underside of the waterer or food dish and I ALWAYS got it all over my fingers when I was feeding!

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