4-H-er thread!

I'm so excited! I get my meat goat this month for the fair and I get my nigi bottle baby in July. The doeling will come from great milking lines and the colors of the parents are amazing!
I picked out my meat goat today! I pick him up on Monday. His name is Big Boy
I am going to be showing some of my splash silkies that I just got I haven't signed up for 4 h yet but I think I am just going to sign up until next year
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Hey, I'm Sierra! This is my second year in 4-H, and I'm part of a swine club. This will be my second year showing my birds, and have a couple new breeds along with breeds I showed last year; A Welsummer, a White Leghorn, Black Australorps, Speckled Sussexs, Easter Eggers, NH Reds, Red Stars, Blue Partridge Brahmas, Mottled Javas, and this year I'm trying my hand at geese (they are in the incubator currently lol), and showing my two Khaki Campbell ducks! My other project is swine; I have a Yorkshire, a Berkshire, and a Large Black Hog, it will be my first time showing pigs this year! (And sadly my last year since I graduated :( ) My first fair is a small fair, but in my county, in August!
I'm Audy and I have 4 kids showing poultry.

Meat chickens
Meat ducks
Meat geese
Meat turkey

All have taken grand or reserve in everything but chickens at least once in last 5 years.

We just can't seem to get a good pen of meat birds. We sell in pens of 3.
Hey, I'm Sierra! This is my second year in 4-H, and I'm part of a swine club. This will be my second year showing my birds, and have a couple new breeds along with breeds I showed last year; A Welsummer, a White Leghorn, Black Australorps, Speckled Sussexs, Easter Eggers, NH Reds, Red Stars, Blue Partridge Brahmas, Mottled Javas, and this year I'm trying my hand at geese (they are in the incubator currently lol), and showing my two Khaki Campbell ducks! My other project is swine; I have a Yorkshire, a Berkshire, and a Large Black Hog, it will be my first time showing pigs this year! (And sadly my last year since I graduated :( ) My first fair is a small fair, but in my county, in August!
Hi! Sounds like a lot of fun! I am hoping to do a pig for my fair next year, we will see!

I'm Audy and I have 4 kids showing poultry.

Meat chickens
Meat ducks
Meat geese
Meat turkey

All have taken grand or reserve in everything but chickens at least once in last 5 years.

We just can't seem to get a good pen of meat birds. We sell in pens of 3.

wow! I have two market turkeys at the fair right now, they show tomorrow, then the auction is on saturday morning! Thats interesting that you are having trouble with that, have you tried a different hatchery or food?
Yay!! A 4-Her thread!!

About me and 4H
I have been in 4H for 7 years, since I was 8. I am born in November so my age is one year behind.
I started as a cloverbud, did a few random projects. The next year I did wood working and rabbits.
After my first year actually showing I started breeding Holland Lops. Came back to the next year in rabbit, my siblings and I won most of the plaques with our lops. I also showed horse that year. Got 3 red ribbons, it was so much fun though!

A showed rabbits, and a horse once, for the next 3 years.
At the 4H age if 11 I for my first chickens and ducks, I showed a Partridge Chantecler hen, Buff Chantecler Hen, Pekin drake, and pekin duck.
I placed 3 and 5 with the hens for the hen class.
And I placed 1st with my drake and 2nd with my duck.
I also got 3rd in showmanship.

The next year I was not able to show due to Avian flu.

But this year I am coming full throttle!

I am bringing in
1 LF Blue Cochin Frizzle Cockerel (SQ)

1 LF Blue Cochin Pullet (SQ)

1 Bantam Black Cochin Frizzle Cock (Hatchery Quality, but not to bad looking(

Trio of egg production pullets, I choose some Red Sex Links.

**There is only 1 other kid serious about poultry in the show, so that's why I bring in hatchery birds also.
I also do the static exhibit of egg production.
I am doing
1 dozen colored eggs
1 dozen brown eggs
1 dozen white eggs
6 eggs from other fowl
I showed my feeder goat today and I got 1st place novice showmanship and 3rd place in the feeder goat class!!!

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