4-H-er thread!

Cool! Are they for the easter hatchalong? I set 13... there are some really cool breeds there that i would love to show at fair depending on size at entries!

Ive got 3 jersey giants that i am really exited about... the rooster is huge!
2 blue eggs that are either true americaunas, or cream legbars. She couldnt remember what pen they came from lol
2 chocolate orpingtons
3 f2 olive eggers
1 f3 olive egger
1 golden cuckoo maran egg... which as a good color for a non black copper
And my last minute addition of a black austrolorp serama cross that I put in just to see what it looks like

Yes they are.
Mind if I join?
I don't wish to say my name (you can call me FMF or Feather or my full username if u like) but we have 13 older chickens:
- Amerucana
- Cochin (Bantam & LF)
- Speckled Sussex
- Buckeye
- Wyandotte
- Blue Andalusian
- Salmon Faverolle
- Delaware
- Black Australorp
- Buff Orpington
...that's not counting the 7 chicks we currently have in the brooder right now which are:
- Amerucana x2
- Black Star x1
- Silver Laced Wyandotte x1
...3 bantams, sold as bantam assortment so no for sure on breeds but my theories are:
- Frizzle Cochin Bantam (frizzled feathers w/feathered shanks and feet) x1
- Barred Rock Bantam x2
This is my 3rd year showing chickens, I also show horses
You can visit the thread in my signature for more info on my flock from time to time. Thanks!
I'm Karson I show Dairy cows beef cows and poultry obviously. I have about 20 different breeds of chickens mostly large fowl. My EE rooster took champion rooster and one of my hens took champ. hen. Great year at the fair!!! I also took reserved showmanship and won District showmanship!
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I'm Karson I show Dairy cows beef cows and poultry obviously. I have about 20 different breeds of chickens mostly large fowl. My EE rooster took champion rooster and one of my hens took champ. hen. Great year at the fair!!! I also took reserved showmanship and won District showmanship!

I would like to show beef cattle one day. Looks like fun.

4H is not a good place to show poultry IMO
I'm Karson I show Dairy cows beef cows and poultry obviously. I have about 20 different breeds of chickens mostly large fowl. My EE rooster took champion rooster and one of my hens took champ. hen. Great year at the fair!!!   I also took reserved showmanship and won District showmanship! 

Great job! I am starting to show dairy cattle this year.
I can't believe an EE won!
Mind if I join?
I don't wish to say my name (you can call me FMF or Feather or my full username if u like) but we have 13 older chickens:
- Amerucana
- Cochin (Bantam & LF)
- Speckled Sussex
- Buckeye
- Wyandotte
- Blue Andalusian
- Salmon Faverolle
- Delaware
- Black Australorp
- Buff Orpington
...that's not counting the 7 chicks we currently have in the brooder right now which are:
- Amerucana x2
- Black Star x1
- Silver Laced Wyandotte x1
...3 bantams, sold as bantam assortment so no for sure on breeds but my theories are:
- Frizzle Cochin Bantam (frizzled feathers w/feathered shanks and feet) x1
- Barred Rock Bantam x2
This is my 3rd year showing chickens, I also show horses:)   You can visit the thread in my signature for more info on my flock from time to time.  Thanks!

those are wonderful breeds!
Spring Yearling Jersey Heifer, I just started halter breaking her today

2 LF Cocks, they're cockerels right now


2 Hens, they're also pullets right now, I only have pictures of the one

I'll also do some other birds, but I don't have any of them yet though

I may also do horse if I get a new horse, or if I get one if my grandpa's horses that is going lame to use for halter,since mine is injured and I don't want to risk her getting hurt at a show from the stress.

Also egg production for 2 types of brown, one type of white, and then other type of color

Aren't you @plum.creek.poultry on instagram?

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