4 mo old Olive Egger- Gender?

Sorry, that red on the wings that's getting larger is a dead giveaway for male. Females just aren't colored that way. 

That's what I had always heard! A lot of the hens have brown in them too though. Like the blue one (same parents as this one) is blue with splashes of brown. But hers are more spread out and not so shoulder oriented. I'm wondering in it's just the mix of breeds?
The big thing is no rooster neck feathers no saddle feathers no rooster tail feathers and the most important thing no rooster crowing and by 5 months I would like to see the beginning of
spur growth

Coloring is important but I have also had roosters and hens
with the same color patterns in the EE chicken class as the
most important thing to remember is EE chicken's are all
mutts not pure bread chickens and a lot of people happen
to like the different colors as much as the egg's .

These are all from one hatch of 3 hens and 1 rooster and
only three out of 15 are the same color and markings

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Ok I got some close ups of him/her. Here we are at 5 and 1/2 months haha and we still can't peg it down...


Tail feathers.



Spur development?


Neck feathers


Full Body
Ok I got some close ups of him/her. Here we are at 5 and 1/2 months haha and we still can't peg it down...

Tail feathers.

Spur development?

Neck feathers

Full Body
So how often does he crow and I only as to the amount of time you spend around them
you see at 14 weeks a roo is defiantly chasing around the hens and EE roo's have a high
libido drive like a sports car and the hens should be laying egg's by 14 weeks or at least
mine are but that has a lot to do with breeding and feed also as I have had some at 30
weeks who are just late bloomers so I really should not say it so someone interprets
me as indicating All EE work that way ....

You have some very good looking EE chickens with great muffs and leg coloring
And the him/her you have I would put in a separate cage and mix the feed like this
50% laying mash and 50% turkey grow wit 20% + protein and in a week you will get
a definite answer ....

This is a cage that sits on my front porch and it is 40 inches
long by 40 inches deep by 40 inches high or one meter squire
enough for a full grown chicken to be in as well as chicks but
if I what to know if a hen is laying a particular color I put her in
and if that was not the one I change till I find the one I am looking
for well the same goes for the roosters you pin up a rooster
and put him where you can see them on a daily basses and
all things will come clear.. And putting the feed mix of 50%
laying crumble and 50% turkey grow with a little bit of water
in the feed and allowed to soak into the feed oh the water into
the feed cuts down on the waste of chickens tossing the feed
out of the feeder and on the ground less waste saves money ....
Now the water I add some Electrolyte for first week so the
chicken wont dehydrate then very important toss an old towel
over the top of the cage or put under some shade as direct
sun light will dehydrate a non moving chicken ....

She is taking on some roo traits but no saddle feathers and the
cockle feathers are not coming through and that last photo the
squatting is more of a hen now the spur development I do get
some hens who do also get some bumps and them could go
ether way right now ....

My biggest thing is 60% hen 40% roo but my eyes are getting old
but I would separate this one and do the feed just the way suggested
and I am sure you will get an egg before a crow ....
And remember always have feed 100% of the time when or if you
separate and confine a chicken ....

Ok I got some close ups of him/her. Here we are at 5 and 1/2 months haha and we still can't peg it down...


Tail feathers.



Spur development?


Neck feathers


Full Body

100% cockerel. He's apparently a late bloomer but there is no mistaking the masculine red patches on this guy.
Well the mystery is solved at 6 mo old. That is 26 weeks of waiting for a crow and we finally got one this morning. The last 2 weeks I was finally becoming convinced he was male without hearing the crow, spurs were coming in and neck feathers and general behavior seemed very rooish. So it looks like he is the lucky man in the hen house, only dude with 14 ladies! Which should be fun for all of us! Maybe he can get to work and we can get a hatch in before it gets cold. I am thinking his splash genetics will be a fun experiment for the kidos.
Thanks everyone!
Well the mystery is solved at 6 mo old. That is 26 weeks of waiting for a crow and we finally got one this morning. The last 2 weeks I was finally becoming convinced he was male without hearing the crow, spurs were coming in and neck feathers and general behavior seemed very rooish. So it looks like he is the lucky man in the hen house, only dude with 14 ladies! Which should be fun for all of us! Maybe he can get to work and we can get a hatch in before it gets cold. I am thinking his splash genetics will be a fun experiment for the kidos.
Thanks everyone!

14 lady's and the only roo how exciting for him
Hi all
Yall all know so much about chickens. I have had mine for almost 4 weeks. I'm worried my olive egg layer is a rooster. She is about 4 months old. The man I bought her from swears it's a female. The tail feathers look like a hen but the red wing patches look rooster. She is much smaller than my barred rock who is the same age.



I sent out and looked for Spurs today and don't see anything.
Do you think hen or roo?

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