4 of my chickens love worms and 1 doesn't.


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 6, 2012
Hi All,

I am new to this forum, greetings!

My question is the following. I purchased a buff orpington and Rhode Island Red. When I treated them to worms early on they went ballistic and would play tug-of-war with them and just absolutely loved them. I introduced three more to the flock- an americana, wyadotte and amber white. They all go crazy for worms and totally fight (play) for them. The Rhode Island won't engage and even if you segregate her and try and feed a worm she is not interested. This perplexes me because she used to fight for them. She also has a very large comb which I don't know if this correlates with rooster-city? Her same aged counterpart barely has comb (the buff). So anyway, in brief very new to this and would appreciate feedback. Thanks in advance!

Welcome to BYC. I could well be the RIR is a rooster. When feeding treats like worms the poor rooster has no chance to bok and tell the hens here's something good.before the hens have it down. And a rooster will not usually take from a hen. Did the RIR peck at the worm at all when it was separated? I take it they are still growing up. So how old are they? A picture would help us tell if it is a rooster.
Some chickens also just have their preferences (and they change). All of our chickens used to go bat$h!t INSANE for dried mealworms, but since they started laying, our BR and DOM don't care much for them. The rest will run as fast as they can no matter where they are when they hear the container rattle; the DOM and BR couldn't care less...unless there are tomatoes or grapes involved.
Ha nice, tomatoes and grapes, really??

Here is a photo of the alleged rooster, what do you think?

Notice the hen behind it is the same age exactly with little to no comb.
Yep, roo..even the way he carries himself.

And yeah, tomatoes, grapes, lettuce, blueberries, carrots, cucumbers, melons, squash....you name it. Any/every vegetable scrap/leftover (except onions and potatoes) goes to the chickens and they love it. Some definitely prefer some tidbits over others, though.
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