4 week old Buff Orpington chick with injured wing?


In the Brooder
Feb 2, 2015
Today I noticed one of my BO chicks was staying away from the other chicks, constantly laying down, wasn't interested in treats, and holding her wing funny. I could catch her without a problem because she seemed to have a hard time getting away. When I picked her up, I couldn't see any obvious injury but she held her right wing out the whole time and would squawk if I touched it. I noticed the coloring was pink under that wing but much more red under her left. Not sure if that means anything. I also noticed the roots of some of her new feathers are brown while others are much lighter color. The brown roots are in clusters. Again, not sure if that's normal or not. My brooder is large and I can't check the other chicks to compare because I can't catch them without help. Can you tell I'm a newbie? Oh, and she is MUCH smaller than the rest of them if that says anything to anyone. So, any ideas? What do I do for her?
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She probably injured it.

BO hens are supposed to have brown on the telk feathers.

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