4 week old Wesummer

19 Hens

7 Years
Mar 11, 2012
Hello, can you give me some advice with my 4 week old Welsummer pullet chick? I adopted a few day old chik 4 weeks ago. Although the chick is eating and drinking she is not growing. She has only grown slightly and still looks like a new born. She does not look like any of the pictures for a 1 month only chick. She is our first Welsummer. Can you give us any advice?? Thank you.
What a cute chick you have there. That seems to be about the same size. I was at a poultry swap yesterday and there were '3 week olds' there and they were really big and had all their feathers. I thought I might be doing something wrong.

Yes, feeding chick starter. Staying in our bathroom with heat lamp.

We have four - 4 week olds, 3 - 6week old - Cuckoo Marans, 2 -14 week old Black Austrolorpes, 1 - 16 week old copper black Maran, 1 - 16 week old Black Orphington, 2 - 1 year old red rocks, 3 white leghorns, 2 americana, 1 barred rock. All very lovely ladies.

The lady at the swap also said she gives her chicks sugar water. I've never heard or read that before. Has anyone every heard of that??

Thanks again
Sometimes it takes them a bit to catch up. As long she is eating and drinking fine, then she is OK.

You only use sugar water when they come from shipping, and with all that stress and uneventful ride, sugar water would be given when they need a bit of "pick me up". It is only used for one day and after that plain water will do.

What a cute chick you have there. That seems to be about the same size. I was at a poultry swap yesterday and there were '3 week olds' there and they were really big and had all their feathers. I thought I might be doing something wrong.

Yes, feeding chick starter. Staying in our bathroom with heat lamp.

We have four - 4 week olds, 3 - 6week old - Cuckoo Marans, 2 -14 week old Black Austrolorpes, 1 - 16 week old copper black Maran, 1 - 16 week old Black Orphington, 2 - 1 year old red rocks, 3 white leghorns, 2 americana, 1 barred rock. All very lovely ladies.

The lady at the swap also said she gives her chicks sugar water. I've never heard or read that before. Has anyone every heard of that??

Thanks again
I have never given mine sugar water just starter and the occasional moth that flies by lol but i do know when I moved mine out side in bigger brooder they seem to take off with there growing

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