4 weeks - bright red comb?!


Mar 31, 2018
Upstate, NY
Hello BYC!

I'm a bit confused right now - I have a little SLW who is supposed to be a pullet. She will be a month old on the 16th, so she's just approaching 4 weeks.

I know it's a little early, but is comb color at this stage indicative of a rooster? She also has almost no tail.

I can try to get a pic if needed, but I'm really just asking at what age in SLW will roos start to get super red combs.

The comb is not developed at all. Is it simply too early to know? She is a lot smaller than I expected - much smaller than my other chicks of the same age. About a 1/4th the size of my BO pullet and half the size of my Australorp of the same age.
I'm always so worried about sharing pics - most other animal groups I've been a part of are far less understanding than BYC, and I feel like my coop is so subpar :hmm

They're really flighty, so I tried to get the best pic I could:

It's so much redder in person, but you can kind of compare it to the BO's comb - it hasn't grown at all, but it is definitely red.

Also, unrelated, but could anyone guess how old this Cornish x chick is? We're trying to figure out how long we can keep her before we put her at risk of bone or organ issues.
Red growing comb at 4 weeks is not a good sign if you wanted a pullet.

Rationing the feed to Cornish Xs is the only way to keep them going. Also the need to be kept cool in the hot months with plenty of water and fans on the really hot days. Or the will have a heat stroke and die. They also need lots of exercise as well to stay in a more appropriate weight. Spreading treats "small amounts" around the run/pen/yard so that they have to look for them helps.
I had a GLW that was a pullet. -comb resembled your SLW's a great deal. I actually posted on here, too. -thought for certain we were going to get a roo (even though it was supposed to be a pullet). -just got the comb/color early for whatever reason.
I'm always so worried about sharing pics - most other animal groups I've been a part of are far less understanding than BYC, and I feel like my coop is so subpar :hmm

They're really flighty, so I tried to get the best pic I could:
View attachment 1385261
It's so much redder in person, but you can kind of compare it to the BO's comb - it hasn't grown at all, but it is definitely red.

Also, unrelated, but could anyone guess how old this Cornish x chick is? We're trying to figure out how long we can keep her before we put her at risk of bone or organ issues.
View attachment 1385263
Nice birds, what's wrong with rustic coops. Do they keep your birds happy, healthy and safe? I think that's all the chicken really cares about. We build with mostly re purposed wood from home building sites' dumpsters with contractor permission. They usually wish you would empty the dumpster for them, saves them money and often find nice pieces of plywood and hunks of 2 x 4.

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