4 wk old standing funny, walking backwards


12 Years
Mar 25, 2007
Charlestown, IN
Our Partridge Rock (4-5 weeks old) has been acting strangely since last night (that's when I noticed, anyway). She is not walking normally... she is pecking at her breast feathers, keeping her head tucked to the point that she's walking backwards and running into things. When I first noticed it last night, I just thought she had an itch. Now she's in that stance all the time, and won't stand normally at all. I've posted some pics so you can see what I mean. I felt the crop of one of the normal chicks and it was like a small stone. When I felt hers, there was nothing at all. So I'm thinking it's not an impacted crop, and that she hasn't been eating. I haven't been home much today, so I haven't witnessed her eating or drinking. I'm going to be out watching her for a while now. [edited to note that she IS eating... I put food in a low bowl that she can reach, since she's not raising her head up... guess I'd better lower the water, too]

We just moved them out to the garage in a large dog crate, with straw for bedding. Any clues here? Any help would be welcome. She's feathering out so beautifully and is a sweet chicken... we need to figure out what's wrong so we can help her. We're new at this, so we have no ideas. Thanks!!



That's Wendy on the far right.


She keeps backing herself into a corner.
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hi i noticed that you have different size chicks in the same cage could be they hurt her neck some
Okay, after a lot of googling, I have determined that Wendy has crookneck and that I need to get her on polyvisol and aviacharge. She is no better this morning but is still eating, drinking, and eliminating, so I have hope!

I already have polyvisol WITH IRON in my medicine cabinet. Can I give her this, or will the iron harm her? Please post if you know the answer to this one--I'd rather not buy some if what I already have will be acceptable, but I will if necessary. It is not cheap!

Getting ready for church now and will get some supplies to start medicating her this afternoon. Thanks!!!!

PS - Thanks for your response, jmantoo. I suppose it's possible this could be due to some kind of injury. She's one of the bigger 2 chicks, but maybe she bumped her head, or got shoved too hard into the side of the box while snuggling??
IMO--iron is iron. Good luck. My friend had a chicken who had "limp neck" and bit of laxative and good as new! I hope the same goes for your chick.

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