4H Public Presentations!


8 Years
Oct 9, 2011
Oswego County, NY
It's already time for public presentations, 4Hers! I was hoping to do one on chicken genetics, but haven't been able to find info. =( I am now considering the benefits of raising chickens, or something like that. So, what's yours going to be about? (And do you know of any books about poultry genetics ;) )
It's already time for public presentations, 4Hers! I was hoping to do one on chicken genetics, but haven't been able to find info.
I am now considering the benefits of raising chickens, or something like that. So, what's yours going to be about? (And do you know of any books about poultry genetics

My state's 4-H program must be run differently than yours, because I don't have to do any presentations.

(Well, I do, but that's a different story...)
I live in NY, where are you from? Here we do presentations that correspond with our projects to earn awards, like poultry, for example. What sort of projects do you do?
I live in NY, where are you from? Here we do presentations that correspond with our projects to earn awards, like poultry, for example. What sort of projects do you do?

PA. We do projects, but not presentations for the projects...

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