4Her needs goat in North Central Florida


11 Years
Jul 17, 2008
North Central Florida
One of my new members is wanting to buy a goat for show at the fair. I know NOTHING about goats. The girl is 8 years old. This is her first year in 4H. Can someone recommend me a kind and gentle breed? Tell me what she will need to know (Do they need to have a pedigree? Tattoos, like rabbits?). Where is a good breeder in North Central Florida who will sell her a goat?

I am hoping some of you chicken experts may also have some goat knowledge to share with me...(I also posted to backyardherds....)

Thanks in advance...
Personally I like Pygmy and Nubian. They are usually gentle breeds, but the more they've been handled the more gentle they will be. Mine are dogs with hooves. Check the 4h rules, but I think they are supposed to be pure bred. Probably need a pedigree and registration papers as well. Meat animals are the only ones I know of that can be mixed breed. Well, and horses, but that's different.
Pygmies are the smallest and gentlest breed I can think of We had a bottle baby that had to be raised in the house at first. She was born on the oldest day last year. It was 14 degrees here and Mama just walke away and left her to die. We had her until she was 6 months old. She thought she was a dog and was completely house broken. Its a shame as we gave her to a 4H lady because she was so friendly and didn't fit into the herd. She wouldn't stay in the pasture she wanted to spend her time with the dogs in the front yard.
I will PM you with a number a friend of ours sells goats. She is in Salem. I don't know what she has available but she won't steer you wrong. Micki
Also remember I think all dairy breeds except pygmies must not have horns for shows. So get one that has been disbudded.

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