5 1/2 month old silkies Boy or Girl-lots of pics


11 Years
Mar 29, 2009
columbus ohio
Please give me your best quess
First 2 pics are one I am pretty sure is a girl It acts like a girl and has virtually no comb. The second 3 pics are a KNOWN boy. it crows(included for comparison). The last three are of the ?. It has me stumped. Kinda of acts like a girl. Smaller ears and combe than the know boy. What do you think? They are all from the same hatch and about 5 1/2 to 6 months old.

known boy

This one is the big question mark. Do you think boy or girl?
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If I understand your comments about the pictures correctly you have pics of 3 birds.  You have 1 female and 2 males.  The last one is a male (a little better quality than the first male).

Bummer...the boys don't like him very much. The boys don't seem to mind the girls:)
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