5 day old chick CROWING!! Video Update!

Sounds like crowing! (Funny dialog too!)
His crowing is "excellent" - it always makes me very proud to hear him in the morning!
Thank you all for your replies - I've been totally shocked by this little chick's behavior it is good to know that it might actually be a crow.

Now - I did manage to get a better video of him just a minute ago where you can see his body moving with the sound as well.

Just a couple of disclaimers - This video is loud. Also, my loving husband can be heard saying "That's not tracheitis" - I assure you that is not a slight or dart at Drexel or anyone else. I've been a little freaked out about the possibility of the chick being ill and that was an attempt by my husband to reassure me. I apologize in advance and hope not to offend anyone

All that being said here is the link:

Now - Do you think it is prudent that I take him to a vet to ensure there is nothing wrong with his/her vocal chords or airways?

Also - What are some other signs of maturity I should be looking for to denote the early development? I assume things like reddening and swelling of the comb - pointed saddle feathers... is there anything else I'm missing? Would it just be easier if I posted some still shots of his face/body/legs and some of his developing compatriots as well?

Thanks in advance for helping me out with my first hatch!
We always want pictures!!

Is he still much bigger than all the others, or are some of them catching up?
I don't think there is any doubt that your baby is crowing. It's hard to tell how feathered out they are... when are they going to be able to move outside into something with more room? I think you'll see more of their personalities emerge when they're able to run around and scratch and dust bathe like real chickens.
Too funny... I'd say you are the momma of a bouncing baby MAN. :DLOL I've never in all my years seen anything like that. My chicks all peep, try to eat my fingers when I feed and water them but never crowed.


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