5 ladies? 4 weeks old


Mar 27, 2015
I've just started my little flock here in napa, CA and I realize how little I really know about taking care of laying hens! I'm hoping someone can help me tell if all my ladies are indeed that - ladies!
I was told the black sex link is definitely a female, but the others ? I'm most worried about the Silkie and the Americana (sp?) since we're not allowed to have roosters in town and I would hate to part with anyone!
Also what would you have wished to have known about taking care of them that you can pass on?
Thanks for any help you can give!












Welcome to backyard chickens! :welcome Your Barred Plymouth Rock looks like a pullet because she has a small comb and dark barring. Your yellow colored Ameraucana is actually an Easter Egger because she isn't a standard color and has greed legs, she also is a pullet. Your other chick looks like a Sicilian Buttercup, but I can't tell from the pictures, I'm leaning toward pullet but am not positive. Your Buff Silkie is a bit young to sex but am leaning toward cockerel from the swept back crest.
If your Silkie turns out to be a rooster, you might still be okay as many Silkie roosters are very quiet and docile/
Awesome thank you - Easter egger how funny! She does have beautiful green legs but is quite pushy so I was hoping she wasn't a roo!
Interesting about the Silkie, I still hope she's a girl- is crowing the only way to tell? What should I look in them?
Also what about the black and white one - I think I thought I was buying a black Australope but I can't find any good photos to compare - she is so sweet and sits in my hands - I sure hope she can stay...
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Sorry - that's the one you called a barred Plymouth - wow I had no idea what I had/ have lol - thanks rhodebar!
And yes I think you are right about the buttercup - she has the beautiful raccoon eyes and the walnut comb...
Black autralopes are a great bird, I am not far from you, I am in Brentwood and know a great breeder near Galt if you are interested. She loves all her birds and will take time to show off her babies!
With Silkies you can tell their gender by looking at their crests and combs. The female's crest will be upright and puffy while the male's are swept back and smaller. Also the comb and wattles of males will be much larger and more visible, while the females combs are so small that you sometimes can't even see them.

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