5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

Okay, new development. While outside just now I noticed that the same cockerel had an area on the same side at the top of his leg where the feathers were sticking out there as well. I picked him up to get a look and he has another one there AND on his left side in his shoulder area!

I'm really not sure what is going on now. I guess it is possible to have more than one cyst, but seriously, 3 of them?! Only the one I noticed first looks ulcerated, the two newer ones don't appear to be ulcerated yet.

The one on his shoulder made me realize that he does not have a single hackle feather on that side of his neck. Not a one 🤷‍♀️. It's like they are female hackle feathers on the left and male ones on the right.

You know, they little guy has never attempted to crow either. But that has me less concerned because my lavender Ameraucana roo didn't crow or have ANY tail feathers until he was nearly 7 months old.

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These are where the ones are on this side.

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This is where the other one is. Right under the area that has no hackle feathers.

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See, no long hackle feathers like the other side.
With him having 3, I would wonder if it's Marek's disease instead. (?)

I'm not a genetics person at all. I don't know what would cause hackle feathers on just one side like that. @Overo Mare do you have any idea about the feather development? Hormonal? Could that also cause the tumors/abscess? Originally we were thinking feather cyst, but discovery of 2 more now changes things. Let's pick your brain😝
With him having 3, I would wonder if it's Marek's disease instead. (?)

I'm not a genetics person at all. I don't know what would cause hackle feathers on just one side like that. @Overo Mare do you have any idea about the feather development? Hormonal? Could that also cause the tumors/abscess? Originally we were thinking feather cyst, but discovery of 2 more now changes things. Let's pick your brain😝

I was wondering the same about Mareks. I sure hope not. I've spent hours online looking at images of both the cutaneous forum of Mareks and feather follicle cyst, honestly it really looks more like the cyst. But that may be because of the limited photos available of the cutaneous Mareks.

As for the strange feathering, I'm stumped. Maybe he's a hermaphrodite! Even his tail shape looks like my hens. It's squared off like my Ameraucanas hens, only with saddle feathers as well. My other two boys Ameraucana roosters never had the square shape

I am definitely holding off on this until I learn more. And yes, please, let's hear from others who might have some insight
With him having 3, I would wonder if it's Marek's disease instead. (?)

I'm not a genetics person at all. I don't know what would cause hackle feathers on just one side like that. @Overo Mare do you have any idea about the feather development? Hormonal? Could that also cause the tumors/abscess? Originally we were thinking feather cyst, but discovery of 2 more now changes things. Let's pick your brain😝
Gosh that is strange. Even his saddles are sparse on that left side.

I am clueless. I only skimmed. Is vet an option? Those masses are quite substantial. With multiple masses I wonder about cancer. Were they firm and anchored?

@The Moonshiner do you have any input on the hackles? Ever seen anything like this?
I was wondering the same about Mareks. I sure hope not. I've spent hours online looking at images of both the cutaneous forum of Mareks and feather follicle cyst, honestly it really looks more like the cyst. But that may be because of the limited photos available of the cutaneous Mareks.
It is hard to fine photos of cutaneous form of Marek's.

This recent thread, there was a small lesion found first, then the OP discovered more. Of course it's a younger chicks, but that's the best I've seen in a while. Marek's disease was confirmed through necropsy. https://www.backyardchickens.com/th...shy-lump-on-her-neck-that-is-growing.1500100/

Cornell - some photos in clinical and gross lesions tabs. https://partnersah.vet.cornell.edu/avian-atlas/search/disease/502#/disease/Marek's_Disease

Not sure which direction to go. I absolutely agree about holding off. He doesn't seem to be in distress at the moment right?
Gosh that is strange. Even his saddles are sparse on that left side.

I am clueless. I only skimmed. Is vet an option? Those masses are quite substantial. With multiple masses I wonder about cancer. Were they firm and anchored?

@The Moonshiner do you have any input on the hackles? Ever seen anything like this?

There is a vet a cobble of towns over that will see him. I just haven't been able to with me being the cook and host for Thanksgiving as always lol. I have a shirt day tomorrow but I'm not certain of they can see him in the afternoon tomorrow. If not I'm aiming for Monday

They are firm, like a cyst is. There are not rock hard. They do move around a bit, but are definitely adhered to the skin
@Wyorp Rock @azygous @Overo Mare @MysteryChicken

Newest development

When I went out late afternoon yesterday to get an updated look, his original lump was bleeding. Not a huge amount, but enough to drip. I was able to clean it up with normal saline and Chlorhexidine. The skin there is worse now. Very macerated and becoming blackened in areas. It also stinks now where it hadn't had any smell until now. Some feathers were very easily able to be pulled, thru just slid right out. Others are still firmly attached.

My other half really doesn't want us to spend the money on an expensive vet bill for a chicken. Which I get. If it wasn't holiday season and money was more proliferate I would do it. But I'm leaning towards this being a trip to find out it's not going to end well for him.

He obviously has a serious infection and really needs some IM antibiotics ASAP. The fish antibiotics I ordered won't be here until Monday at the earliest.

So at this point I feel like I'm left with 3 options.

First option being treat the one lump that is really bad. Remove the lump along with any dead or dying tissue around it, irrigate the wound well and apply antibiotic ointment to it. Then I can either drive to another town that supposedly has some IM Penicillin G OR I have a 500mg vital of Ampicillian I can reconstitute and divide into appropriate doses. This will last until Monday when the other comes. I would leave the 2 other lumps alone for now and see how he responds to treatment. Unless they begin to look infected, then they will be dealt with accordingly.

Second option is to just let nature take its course. Which is a HORRIBLE option because he will suffer

Third option is to cull him.

I'm leaning towards option 1. But if he's really worse when I get home from work it might not be an option anymore.

Any opinions on this?
You are realistically aware of all your options. Since you are willing to treat the wound for the time being, which is a reasonable decision, you will need to be very aggressive and remove (debride) all necrotic infected tissue. Scrape it away. Yes, it will hurt when you do it, but it's temporary and necessary. Flush the wound well and pack a liberal amount of antibiotic ointment on it.

Watch it closely, and be ready to debride again if you see more tissue going black. This may buy you time until you get the antibiotic.
I'm so sorry you are dealing with this.
I also think you are being realistic with your approach.

If you lean toward option 1, then go for it. If he declines further then put him out of his misery.

You are in SC, so Clemson does your state lab services. If you happen to lose him, then consider calling the lab to see what it takes (budget wise) to have testing/diagnostics. In some states the fees are nominal, while in others it's crazy expensive.

Please do keep us posted whatever decision you make :hugs
You are realistically aware of all your options. Since you are willing to treat the wound for the time being, which is a reasonable decision, you will need to be very aggressive and remove (debride) all necrotic infected tissue. Scrape it away. Yes, it will hurt when you do it, but it's temporary and necessary. Flush the wound well and pack a liberal amount of antibiotic ointment on it.

Watch it closely, and be ready to debride again if you see more tissue going black. This may buy you time until you get the antibiotic.

What's your opinion on the Penicillin G vs Ampicillin? The Ampicillin is a broad spectrum that is for IV or IM use in humans, but I'm sure it will be okay for him. We generally give 100mg per kg every 8 hours in neonates. PoultryDVM says 50-150 mg/kg every 8 to 12 hours for poultry. Realistically, I'm not going to be able to give him it every 8 hours. And since I'm gone for work Saturday and Sunday from 530 am until nearly 8pm Imost likely won't be able to do every 12 either. I could give a bigger does once a day, but I'm not certain what would be TOO BIG of a dose. Wouldn't want to overdose him

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