5 month old Cockerel with very Large lump near jaw / upper neck

What's your opinion on the Penicillin G vs Ampicillin? The Ampicillin is a broad spectrum that is for IV or IM use in humans, but I'm sure it will be okay for him. We generally give 100mg per kg every 8 hours in neonates. PoultryDVM says 50-150 mg/kg every 8 to 12 hours for poultry. Realistically, I'm not going to be able to give him it every 8 hours. And since I'm gone for work Saturday and Sunday from 530 am until nearly 8pm Imost likely won't be able to do every 12 either. I could give a bigger does once a day, but I'm not certain what would be TOO BIG of a dose. Wouldn't want to overdose him
@casportpony is the meds dosing queen. Hopefully she answers this tag for you.
When my vet prescribed ampicillin she prescribed it at 150 mg/kg subcutaneously every 12 hours.

"Ampicillin belonging to the penicillin group of beta-lactam antibiotics, ampicillin is able to penetrate Gram-positive and some Gram-negative bacteria. It differs from penicillin only by the presence of an amino group. That amino group helps the drug penetrate the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria."
When my vet prescribed ampicillin she prescribed it at 150 mg/kg subcutaneously every 12 hours.

"Ampicillin belonging to the penicillin group of beta-lactam antibiotics, ampicillin is able to penetrate Gram-positive and some Gram-negative bacteria. It differs from penicillin only by the presence of an amino group. That amino group helps the drug penetrate the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria."
They prescribed sub cutaneous over intra muscular?

If I reconstitute this as normal, it with be a 100mg per 1ml ratio. I'm guessing he can't weigh much more than 2 lbs, so roughly 1kg. That would be a dose of 1.5ml. Might be a bit too much for sub Q, but I would think it would be fine for an IM dose
Ok, so I have a question about giving your birds any meds in the penicillin family. If you are allergic to penicillin yourself, can you safely give it to your birds? Just a question I had , sorry to the OP for slightly hijacking the thread
@RowanTheRed this is the formula I use:

Weight of bird in pounds, divide by 2.2, times the dose (in this case 150 mg per kg), divide by the number of mg per ml (my bottle is 100 mg per ml)

Five pound bird:
5 / 2.2 x 150 / 100 = 3.4 ml
My bottle is 100 mg/ml, the poult weighed 1000 grams, and the dose was 1.5 ml. What ampicillin do you have? How much does your cockerel weigh?
I don't have a scale to weigh him. But as a NICU nurse I'm fairly good at weights. I'm guessing he's around 1 kg which is roughly 2.2 lbs.

My ampicillin is s 500mg vial. You reconstitute with 4.8 ml of sterile water with gives a the mix of 500mg in 5 ml. It's the only vial I have. So I was thinking a initial dose of 250 mg or 2.5ml. And then 1 125mg dose tomorrow and Sunday. The fish Amoxicillin I ordered should be here on Monday so I can do oral dosing after that.

Of course that is of he is still here by then...

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