5-Week Old Chicks Piling

May 5, 2023
My husband and I are brand new chicken parents. Our four Buff Orpingtons are now 5 weeks old, and we recently noticed a concerning habit when we turn the lights off at night. Instead of going under the EcoGlow to sleep, our girls will squash themselves into the very corner of the brooder and SCREAM like we are murdering them with an axe (when moments before they were absolutely fine).

They are inside, and the room temperature is about 65 degrees (with a space heater to help during the night). We have checked for drafts - we didn't feel any but added blankets to insulate the brooder just in case. We have also added a roosting bar in the hopes they would sleep on it, but they are terrified of it and refuse to roost (but they love roosting on our arms and the walls of the brooder).

I'm at a loss. I can't figure out why they keep doing this, and I am concerned that they are going to hurt themselves/each other. They clearly are not happy. Any advice? Am I worrying over nothing?
My 5 week old chicks that are in my coop brooder just started doing this too. My take away is they don't need heat anymore (I have a MHP, so same idea as your Plate.) They're not getting under and they're not sleeping on top of the MHP. The corner they are piled in is a glass window between them and my big hens. They are crying because they want to roost and they don't like the dark. When I leave I turn off my coop light that is for my benefit and that's when they freak out. What did you use for Roost? I'm putting a 2x3 bar in for them tonight, up against the big chicken window. As for the fact that they don't like it when I cut the light, oh well that's how it goes and they'll grow out of complaining.

Oh and Welcome to BYC !!!
The sudden change from light to dark scares them. At 5 weeks they no longer need heat in a 65 degree house. You could start conditioning them to cooler temps if needed to go outside. As far as roosting goes, they are at the age my broody hen raised chicks will roost with mom.
My brooder (no mom) chicks don't usually roost that young.
Maybe the roost is my problem. We found a large stick and mounted it - it is about an inch thick. I'll try a 2x3 tonight and see how that goes. Thank you!
Yes, make it bigger that could really help get them roosting. They like to lay down on thier feet. I've tested the theory that they'd rather wrap their feet around a circular branch and mine have always prefered 2x4's with 4inch side to lay on as adult chickens. And either same as pullets or slightly smaller. ~ I just realized you can see my Pullet and Cockerel Lavender Orpington's happy on a purple 2x4 in my Avatar (10 weeks.)
As others noted they don't need the heat at all. It's because I imagine you're going from lights on to lights off, and so they panic. If you have a dimmer, dimming the lights would be the best bet so it gives them time to get ready to sleep. If not, move the brooder near a window with plenty of natural light and let the sunset take care of the problem.

Or you can simply move them out. 5 week olds don't need to be inside unless you have very unusual weather conditions.

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