5 wk old pullet blind in one eye, sleeping alot.


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10 Years
Jun 12, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
I have a 5 week old pullet who seemed fine until about 1 1/2 weeks ago when I noticed she was keeping one eye closed. She has always been the really calm one, but now she sleeps alot and isn't as active. She eats and drinks fine but then goes over to a corner as if to get out of the way of the more active ones. I took her outside today, and when the light hit her eye you could see that it was kind of opaque inside her right eye. I am thinking of taking her to a vet, but was wondering if anyone has any ideas. I don't mind having a partially blind chicken, but if she is in pain......?
Does it look like it was pecked? I have no experience with this, so I am bumping it so someone else can help you.
It doesn't look injured at all. I did treat it with eye ointment at the begginning because I thought maybe it was an injury. But if it was injured it wasn't visible to me.
Thanks for bumping me. I am calling the vet today.

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