52 silkies/showgirls/frizzles 😳


De Regenboog Kippetjes
13 Years
Apr 7, 2010
Can anyone give me tips on sexing young silkies/showgirls?
I went to buy 5 chicks on saturday and came home with 52
The woman wanted them gone and if i didnt take them she would have to dispatch them as they are not good for breeding ( colour faults or something?)
Any how, how do i go about sexing them? Any tips or tricks? Ages range from 1 week to 5 weeks.
Normal chickens are easy but these... sheesh.
I can take individual photos later if anyone fancies taking a look but there will be a lot..dont know what the upload limit is here? (Please ignore the marans)



That’s a lot of cotton balls. They’re so cute! I don’t know much about frizzles, and unfortunately it’s pretty hard to tell Silkies apart from a young age, but I’ll do my best.
Around 10ish weeks, the Roos might start crowing. They get this long, spiky poof of anime hair feathers on their heads, and long ’saddle’ feathers too. The saddle feathers most likely curl down, around the rump.
Do you mind me asking how many birds you’ve kept before?
Best of luck with your fluffies!
That’s a lot of cotton balls. They’re so cute! I don’t know much about frizzles, and unfortunately it’s pretty hard to tell Silkies apart from a young age, but I’ll do my best.
Around 10ish weeks, the Roos might start crowing. They get this long, spiky poof of anime hair feathers on their heads, and long ’saddle’ feathers too. The saddle feathers most likely curl down, around the rump.
Do you mind me asking how many birds you’ve kept before?
Best of luck with your fluffies!
Been keeping chickens for 20 years, ran a chicken rescue for 12 years.... but have never kept silkies!
The first pic, blue frizzle naked neck on the left is a boy.

They’re so cute!!! You could still breed them, just don’t breed the frizzles together. Glade you were able to give a 52 a home!

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