55 gal aquarium & stand, other Aquariums - FREE you pickup Concord, NC


12 Years
Aug 13, 2007
near Charlotte NC
I have a 55 gal aquarium and wood stand I need to find a good home for. I also have a couple other sizes of aquariums - I think at least one 20 gal and another 25-30 gal? They are free for the pickup - just let me know and we can make arrangements to meet.

The 55 gal is a bit sunburned on the trim from being out under my building overhang, and the stand would need a bit of restoration/paint, etc to make it really look nice, but considering the price (FREE) it would be worth your time and energy. I think I even have the hood too, but don't quote me on that. I ASSUME it's watertight, but can't guarantee it - I used it to house an iquana years ago, so I never put water in it. But...I do have a hose pipe so we can give it a test when you come by to pick it up.

I tried to give these away to a reptile/exotics rescue but they never called me back to arrange for pickup, so their loss is your gain - I just want my storage area back again!!

It's HEAVY, so bring a friend, and come on by to pick up and they are yours!!

PM me to arrange pickup if you are interested. I'd rather post here than on craigslist...

heck, I might even throw in a FREE rooster or two to sweeten the deal...
If you were closer I'd definately be interested! But here's a bump for you anyway! Good luck!
Here's another question.... does anyone know of a reptile/small animal rescue close to me that might want these? I am just trying to get them out of storage so I have more room!
Well, I'm down to desperation to get these things off my hands.

Anyone want them before I put a sign up at the end of the road to 'help youself'?? I hate there isn't a rescue around here that I can find that could use them.
Thanks for the lead, but they are in NY and I'm in NC. I think I will email them and see if they know of a reptile rescue around here somewhere though. I've tried petfinder but there is not a reptile rescue listed within easy distance.
Try listing it on Craigslist. Is their a local feed store around you ?? That is what our local feed store uses to keep their dayold chics in. Just a thought .
I have dealt with craigslist before and personally, I'm just not willing to deal with strangers coming to the house, etc.

I'd rather just put them out in the median strip in front of the house and put a 'free' sign up at the end of the road...

But I'd REALLY rather give them to someone from BYC or a rescue.
I wonder how far away that is from me... not that I need that big a tank-- but I have always wanted a great big oscar....... or to try a salt water tank.........

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