6 Bantam Chicks from Tractor Supply

The possible SULTAN chick is being MEAN and grabbing and biting the other chicks legs??!?! Never have seen this sort of aggression, what to do? I know they have a pecking order but...
We picked out 6 bantam chicks from TSC last Saturday and are so excited! I'm pretty sure we've got one white silkie, one mottled cochin, and a few other assorted clean legged bantams. My kids are in love!!

Is top left, the grey/yellow fuzzy feet the molted cochin? if so we have one too. They are already getting their wing feathers in, so cute!!!
Hi! I have 2 marans, (cuckoo's), and from what I have learned along the 'chicken-keeping way', (lol), is that marans always have pink legs. (?) Could your littleo ne maybe be a sex-link?

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